Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Mercy Is Obtained Through Confession

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Proverbs 28:13 

A hotel cannot provide a room to a customer if they are all occupied… Likewise, we cannot allow God into our hearts if the space is already taken… Covering sins doesn’t deal with them, but simply stores them away causing us to carry around unnecessary burdens and prevent us from overcoming the trials or errors that we made… The proverb says, “He that covereth his sin shall not prosper…” When we try to cover our tracks or mistakes, we lead a life that allows our mistakes to control us… We become captives to sin and the result of that is that we cannot prosper… To live, we must be freed from the bondage of sin which only comes through confession and belief in God… David recorded in Psalms 51, that a broken and contrite heart is a heart that God cannot turn from. Let’s face it, we all have made mistakes, we have gone to places we had no business going to, engaged in activities that still cause us to cringe at the thought, and allowed the lust and sinful desires to win in different phases of our lives. 

Today’s Proverb deals with the confession aspect of Christian living. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, when you make a mistake in life, you have two choices; either you control it or it controls you! When you control a mistake, you openly confess to God and your peers your wrongdoing, therefore this incident doesn’t grow any legs to haunt you through life and cause unnecessary turmoil or chaos. If you allow the situation to control you, it becomes shackles that bind you to weaving a web of lies at the expense of your sanity and peace. When we lie, we have no choice but to continue down that spiral path, ultimately leading us into a confined and guarded approach. You will walk on eggshells around people and force yourself to believe everything is peaches and cream. When sin possesses you, God can’t prosper you! Stop allowing sin to control you, to hold you captive and oppress you, and keep you from becoming the child that God has called you to be… Forsake the way of darkness so that God can provide the “lamp unto your feet and light unto your path…” God knocking at the door of your spiritual life is likened to a hoarder; I hope you can get through all the junk and answer the door before it's too late…


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