Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Power Comes When You Overcome

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations.

Revelation 2:26

The first thing that a Christian must do in this journey is overcome the power of the natural desire to dwell in sin… The Book of Revelations is the foretelling of things to come… This book speaks to the return of Jesus Christ for His co-heirs and the deliverance from this earth unto the promised mansions of God… Today John reminds us of where God wants us to end up, but more importantly, He speaks to the journey we must endure to get there… God's revelation to John is one that we can live by as well. The revelation that is revealed unto John informs us of the gift that awaits those who endure. The verse of the day starts off by saying, “he that overcometh…” John sets the table for every trial that comes knocking on your door, this word prepares you for every obstacle that is thrust in your path and this message equips you for the snares that are set when you wake up in the morning… The bottom line is that we must overcome, there are no freebies when it comes to this spiritual war that we are fighting; every inch will be tough to go by and every step will draw sweat and blood from within… John knows a little about overcoming, this revelation that he is writing to us has been given to him as he sits on the island of Patmus exiled from his native land… John witnessed the evil plots against Jesus, he watched Jesus be strung up on the cross, now he himself has been persecuted and writes today to let us know that we (just like him) must overcome… Sure it’s very easy to take the clear path and walk the level ground, but we know that in becoming all that you can become, there must be some hills and mountains that come into your journey… You must experience the lows of life to appreciate the highs of Christ and this is the journey that God knows will prepare you to appreciate His bountiful blessings… 

So continue to fight, and don’t give up, your blessing, breakthrough, and deliverance are INDEED on the way!!!!


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