Thursday, July 11, 2024

God Always Fulfills His Promise

The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant.

Psalm 25:14

We must learn to hold to God’s unchanging hand in times of despair. Knowing that through our fear (reverence, honor, and admiration) of Him we will be kept and brought through whatever trial or hardship we face… The “secret” of this life lies in our relationship with the Most High God… The fear of the Lord led Jesus to the cross and the defeat of sin and death… It was the fear of the Lord that allowed Peter to stand up and preach a word that saved 3,000 souls; it was the fear of the Lord that allowed David to pick up 5 smooth stones and defeat Goliath… When going through this life, rely on the secret of God’s power… The enemy doesn’t know how to contend to fight against God so He tries to get you to denounce His authority over your life… The secret that Satan doesn’t want you to know is that he is powerless; the secret that the enemy doesn’t want you to know is that Christ has already freed you from the penalty of sin and bondage… You were made in perfection and clothed in the very image of God, when you call on the name of the Lord there is power and grace imparted to you that breaks strongholds, heals wounds, and redirects our path… The secret to living is found in your reverence of the Lord… This why the Psalmist says that when you fear, you obtain the secret that “he will show them his covenant…” God will write the vision and make it plain for your life; He will give you the desires of your heart and wipe your slate clean… 


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