Monday, July 22, 2024

Things Could Always Be Worse

"Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you."

 1 Samuel 12:24
Your only duty on this earth is to “fear the Lord…” When you fear (honor, revere or admonish) the Lord your life is lived in total submission to Him… This means that you walk according to His will and are not focused on things of this world… This passage provides great advice for us to live by; we are called to “serve him in truth” knowing that He knows best and that we must remember all the things He has done and the paths He has paved… We have to have an attitude that reflects on what God has done and dispel the notion of living with the mindset of “what have you done for me lately…” According to worldly standards and ways of living, we must approach life seeking our own way and desires; however, we are reminded today that we serve a faithful God; one who already demonstrated His might by sending His son and promised to supply all our needs… 

Don’t lose sight of the fact that as children of God, we often want things to happen according to our desires and standards and we can lose hope or become discouraged when things don't go as planned… Whatever the challenge, obstacle, or outcome you face right now, know that God's plan is perfect and will bring about an expected end. No matter how low you may feel about your current situation, know that things could always be worse...  One of my close friends once told me that He didn’t like the rain, but that he appreciated the fact that he could observe it without getting wet… Today, make no mistake about it, the rain is falling all over the world; illness, division, strife, racism and so many other forms of disaster; however, we thank God that each day we see is another day to move forward and become the men and women He has designed and called us to be. Instead of losing hope, take courage in the fact that you have the warm blood in your veins and you can impact and change this world for the better. I am sure that there is someone on this earth who would love the opportunity to switch places with you and walk in your shoes… Don’t take for granted where you are today, because you could be somewhere else…

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