Saturday, June 30, 2018

Give God Your best

...Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing.

2 Samuel 24:24

So many of us would love the idea of getting over when it comes to our walk with the Lord… We have experienced highs and lows, we have seen ups and downs and sometimes in our life we would love to get an easy pass or a shortcut through all the muck and mire of the day… In reading this passage we are challenged to reflect on the goodness of the Lord despite all the mistakes and bad choices that we have made… David says neither will I offer burnt offering unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing; David spoke these words from the sincerity or his heart knowing and realizing what God had done for him… When you begin to think about the goodness of Jesus, when you begin to think back to all the wrong you have done and come to the realization that it was God’s grace and mercy which kept you and brought you out, your mindset changes and you want to give your all to the Lord… In this passage, David is declaring that he is not worthy of the blessings being bestowed upon him (despite the plague that God was about to place on the Israelites); he wants the Lord to know the love that he has for Him… So he wants to sacrifice (in the form of payment) to the Lord… When you come to the point where you realize how awesome God is, you then will not give anything to Him which doesn’t cost you something… This gesture displays the attitude that a Christian must have; you cannot try to get over on the Lord in your giving and expect His unlimited favor… Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. You are called to test the Lord in your giving; this requires that you give something of value and not things that you deem replaceable… This same principle applied to the heart of David and led to this verse being recorded in the 24th chapter of 2nd Samuel… In studying this passage I am lead to pose this question, how valuable is your relationship with God…? How much do you treasure being in good standing with the Lord…? Are you someone who attends church out of obligation or to pay true respect and honor to the Lord…? 

These questions are questions that are posed all across the world; however they are answered through actions not words, through devotion and not presentation… This passage is written at a time when David knew that he had sinned against God; he knew that he had fallen short of His glory and understands that he had to restore his relationship with God… We too have made many mistakes; we have damaged our relationship with the Lord and the question now because “how bad do you want to repair it…?” What does God’s love mean to you, how much do you want to show God your appreciation and love…? What are you offering Him…? These are important factors in our life that we too must come to understand; God deserves all of our time and commitment because we have fallen short, he deserves the very best we have because we turned our backs on Him and lost sight of His Grace and Mercy! This is why David said I will not offer anything unto the Lord that cost me nothing, he realized all that it cost God to save us from sin, he realized all that God gave and invested in him to see him reign as King and he came to the realization that he was throwing it all away… We must never forget that God gave His only begotten son, we must never lose sight that Jesus died the most humiliating death known to man and all this was done to save us from our eternal death… When I sit and really ponder what God has done and how He bestows new mercies on us every morning I realize that there is nothing of this earth that I shouldn’t give unto Him… I know that God has given His very best in the form of His son and I dare not to acknowledge His sacrifice with meaningless words or things… God wants your heart, He wants your life; anything else is worthless… The cost that David speaks of in this verse refers to the amount that he puts out for the Lord… This doesn’t necessarily deal with money, but the amount of energy, time, devotion that we pour out to studying God’s word, praising His name and worshipping Him…David had a right perspective of who God is and what He means to him… So he wanted to show his devotion to the Lord by paying for the land to be offered back to God… 

When we trust God, when we desire to worship God we also act in faith knowing that God sees all things and will reward us by our giving and devotion… Think about how precious the gift is that God gave to you in the form of His son and ask yourself what gifts are you giving to God… The only thing that God wants is you, you are the gift that He desires and we give ourselves to Him by totally surrendering to His will and way… This is where the cost comes in, I have often thought and told myself that if it comes easy it isn’t what I need… Today, know that offering yourself to Christ is going to cost you some friendships, it’s going to cost you some fleshly desires and it’s going to cost you some aches and pains… Do we know how much it cost God to raise us up out of the pit of sin, how much it cost to release us from the handcuffs of death, and pave a way to salvation! It cost Him His only son, it cost Him pain and anguish to witness His son on the cross dying an agonizing and intensely painful death… It cost God a great deal to watch His son be spit on, mocked and beat, it cost God a great deal to see Him laid in a tomb and watch the throngs of people mourning… It cost God more than we could ever offer Him and we surely could never pay back to Him what He put out! Let us keep that in mind when we go to church, let us keep that in mind when we put down our bibles instead of reading, let us keep that in mind when we make God’s will and afterthought in our life… How much does God mean to you? How much do you really believe He poured out from on high to save you…? Show your belief in your actions and service to the Lord… David said I will not offer anything unless it cost me something, not because he wanted to spend, but because he knew how much God had already spent!


Friday, June 29, 2018

Glory > Suffering

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18
The bible is filled with passages that speak to the amount of suffering that a Christian will endure within his/her lifetime… There is not a single scripture which speaks to the life of a Christian being easy; but on the contrary, there are many which depict suffering, hardships and tribulations… The writer of this passage (Paul) was a man who once found pleasure in persecuting others; however, in his conversion, God speaks to the suffering that Paul will endure in a conversation that takes place in the 9th chapter of Acts with a man by the name of Ananias… But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”Suffering is a vital part to the Christian journey; faith is developed through suffering, rewards are accumulated through suffering and growth is displayed through suffering… So many people proclaim a relationship on the surface with Jesus Christ; however, in the suffering stages their actions say others… Even in the most uncomfortable situations we are reminded today that they are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us… 

The results that come from your suffering will negate the suffering that you experience… Nobody really likes to suffer, but as a child of God we must speak the truth and no that there are no shortcuts on this journey… One thing in life is certain and that is that you will experience hardships and obstacles… I don’t think a day goes by in our lives where there isn’t at least one thing that takes place in our lives that causes us heartache, stress or disappointment… I have heard so many people speak of problems that they are facing and I believe we all would agree with the saying,“You’re either in a storm, coming out of a storm or going into a storm…”  Although difficulties are never something you want to face, the bible tells us several times (today’s focus verse is an example) about the affliction that we will experience… As a Christian, trials and tribulations are a part of growing in Christ… When we face trials we are called to embrace them because they display your faith and God’s faithfulness… The bible says that faith without works is dead, so we must endure hardships to display our faith and by overcoming (working) we allow God’s sovereign light to shine in our lives…These trials that we face are not to intimidate us but for God’s glory and power to be manifested in your life… Paul was imprisoned and his praises broke the walls down, Job lost everything and gained double what he had, David was isolated in a cave before he came out as king of Israel, and Jesus was mocked and whip before he received all power in heaven and on earth! Understand that trials are common place for a Christian; every day we are facing trials and tribulations, not to strike fear in us, but to prepare us for Christ’s return and equip us to know that we can be victorious because every trail we face can be transformed into a stepping stone…

Paul is charging the Church of Rome just as he is charging us today; don’t become weary, don’t give up, don’t be discouraged because you have to go through some sad days or sleepless nights; don’t become fearful because it seems like the enemy has the upper hand. Your trails are tools for growth and purging, we are learning that through Christ all things are possible and that he should be our focus and strength. Later on in this chapter Paul says that we are more than conquers and that nothing can separate us from the Love of God! To be more than a conqueror you have to face your share of mountains and shadows of death, to be more than a conqueror you have to go through the pains of maturity and face puzzling and complicated days… Likewise, to know that nothing can separate us from the Love of God is encouraging for us to know, we are in God’s care and He will never put more on us than we can bear… In order to know that we can’t be separated from God’s love we must be tried and the enemy will come and try to end your divine appointment, he will come and try to kill God’s vision for you life, and destroy your hopes and dreams! Attacks will come, dismay will come, but it will not come near you if you make the Lord your dwelling place (Psalms 91)! Trials seem to weigh us down; however on the scale of life the blessing that are in store outweigh your suffering… Paul says the present sufferings don’t even compare… What I gather from this is that whatever I am going through right now isn’t going to outweigh what God has in store… This is simple equation – 1 obstacle = at least 2 blessings… You have suffered several challenges in your life, the blessings you receive from God will be double what you have faced on this earth … Yes we all have to go through the refining process, it’s painful, and hectic, but just as gold we will see our true value and the worth that we have in God’s kingdom… Suffer now, so that you don’t suffer later!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

He'll Return Before You Know It

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:7-8
The 7th verse of the 4th chapter of 1st Peter (a lot of numbers I know) declares but the end of all things is at hand… Truthfully, the word of God reminds us today that tomorrow is not promised; each and every day that you see on this earth is a another opportunity for you to grow in the knowledge of God and not leave something for tomorrow which could be taken care of today… If knowing that tomorrow is not promised and that the end of all things is at hand; Peter reminds us today that we must be ye therefore sober… To be sober means to be clear-headed, somber or serious; in a nutshell, you cannot take the day that you are privileged to see lightly…  You cannot allow things to clutter your view or understanding of the will and plan of God for your life… So many of us have missed opportunities to grow in Christ because we are occupied with so much other stuff that we don’t have time for the things that should take priority in our lives… Being sober is the foundation to preparation in fulfilling the will of God… When you clear your mind, God now has room to work and instill the plan that He has designed uniquely for you… A sober mind is important; however, you must add a strong cornerstone to that foundation which is prayer… This is why Peter goes on to say that you must watch unto prayer… So many have a clear mind, but they have not taken the next step to allow the thoughts and desires of God to take root in that unoccupied space… 

Situations always come about, but in order to clear your mind and see results you must turn it over to God (prayer) and invite Him in… Things you dealing with today shouldn’t be left tell tomorrow, turn it over to the Lord now and let Him lead you… When you turn it over to the Lord and invite Him in; you can now be filled with the love (charity) spoken of which will in the end cover the multitude of sins… There is one unknown on this Christian journey and that is the time in which Christ will return; there is also one thing that we are assured of on this Christian Journey and that is that Christ will return… Peter tells us that the end of all days is at hand and to be sober, this is focusing not on drinking, but on the fact that we need to be vigilant and coherent to the word of God and live our lives as if He was coming within the next minute… The end of all things being at hand lets me know that there is nothing of this earth that will survive, there is no one on this earth that can save you and nothing that you can do on this earth to inherit Eternal Life… Being sober means that we must stop making stupid choices, stop procrastinating and stop allowing temptations to ensnare our God-given vision and mission… So many of us aren’t living a sober lifestyle, we are staggering through life, misusing our gifts, losing our identity and allowing this world to dictate our advancements and achievements; God is calling for us to stand upright and be an example in this world! He is waiting for you to detoxify yourself through prayer and study so that you can understand that we truly are living in the last days... When you aren’t sober you are unaware of things around you, you don’t appreciate things before you, so you end up in a helpless state which leaves you vulnerable to whatever may come your way… A drunken state of mind allows the devil to have his way with you… 

We aren’t talking about drinking literally, but rather being a in position where you allow outside forces to dictate and direct your life… When you are sober you are sturdy, focused and grounded… Your purpose in life is clearly defined and you are determined… Many of us claim to be sober; however, we have no direction in our life, we aren’t focused nor grounded in the word of God and we allow people and situations to guide us down the wrong path… Peter goes on to say that charity covers a multitude of sins and that we should be fervent in our charity…  As stated earlier, charity is another word for love; the bible says that God is love… The reason your sins are forgiven (covered) through charity is because God’s spirit dwells within you when you have love within… When you love you something, you want to see it grow, mature and be success… God imparted His love to us in the form of His son so we could grow, mature and be successful… When we love, we allow God to enter into our lives and become one with us… When God enters, sin is cast out and therefore we are covered by love! To be fervent is to be eager, passionate or zealous; we should give from our hearts and out of true love and kindness towards one another! This charity goes beyond money and is dealing with a sacrifice of self, Christ had to sacrifice Himself to cover our sins and we need to understand that when we give of ourselves to help others we purge ourselves of iniquities. We have all heard that we should live today as if it’s our last and that is so true; but in the term living we as Christians give that a different meaning than the world… We aren’t looking to have a good time, “live it up”, or spend all we have, for us to live is to sacrifice… So live today by giving of yourself and watch how your life is transformed both now and when Christ returns!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Be Led By God

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
Romans 6:13
A choice is presented before you from the time of your birth to the time of your death; you have a decision to make as to how your life will be handled and which direction it will be led… Notice that I did not say that you decide the direction of your life but that you decide who will lead it; there are so many of us who think we are in control when in reality the enemy has us on string like a puppet toying with our emotions, mental state and the desires we have in this world… This passage declares to us that we either canyield our members as instruments of righteousness or unrighteousness… The Lord once to see you succeed; however, through the fall of man He knows that you are not able to handle making your own decisions without a guide which for us is the Holy Spirit… The enemy knows that you are a weak vessel without the guidance of God and so he has you thinking that you can handle situations which in reality you are digging a hole that you can never climb out of on your own… Paul refers to you as an instrument because you are a device which can either unlock untapped potential or destroy a unique path designed specifically for you… You are a tool that can lead others to Christ, break generational curses and take down strongholds; the enemy knows your ability and it’s the very reason why he tries to use you to do the exact opposite… 

In reading this passage I am lead to ask a question; where do you allow yourself to go that does not please God? What things do you take part in that brings disgrace upon the name of the Lord…? It is true that we all have fallen short of the glory of God; however, a saint is nothing more than a sinner who got up and came out of their world of sin… God has called us to be better, achieve more and reach higher, but you will not be able to do that if you allow your body to be used by this world and allow your choices to be influenced by others… Paul charges us today in his letter to the Church of Rome to simply understand that these battles we face are real. Life is built on the choices that we make, and life itself is a choice… Every day we are flooded with temptation, there is always an easier way to obtain your goals, and always an opportunity to change your approach in this life! The bible declares that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour; he waits patiently for you to give him the golden opportunity to turn your life upside down. Paul says that we must not be instruments of unrighteousness, but instruments of righteousness. Notice that in both passages we are instruments, an instrument is something that is used to obtain something or an objective... We are always being used, the question is whether our use if positive or negative, are you being used to impact someone’s life through exaltation or are you bring that person down (this could be happening to you as well), are you being used to show love or cause pain and chaos. Whether we realize or not, we are always being used for righteousness or sin. 

When we miss opportunities to witness of God’s amazing power we have chosen to be an instrument of unrighteousness. When we proclaim the good news of Christ we have chosen to be alive from the dead.  It pains me to see all the degrading videos and reality shows that disrespect the creation that God made when He formed us from the dust of this earth… It is sad to see young adults and children disrespecting themselves and their parents by making bad choices or allowing people to lead them down paths of destruction… This world we live in is sick, we have been on a downward spiral since we took prayer out of schools, since we restrained ourselves from the foundation of the Gospel, and afforded ourselves the opportunity to embrace God’s love and care! Paul’s charge is to remain faithful in this faithless time, to remain encouraged in this hopeless world, and to remain strong in this weakened nation. Sure the grass may look greener on the other side (the key is look), and evil may continue to approach your doorstep, Paul’s message is to keep the faith, don’t give up and don’t give in… Jesus declared that we will reap a harvest, if we faint not! Surely it may seem very easy for you to stop going to church and indulge in the ways of this world, but remember that you have been called to a higher standard, remember that you have been selected to conduct yourself in righteousness. I know that it is very difficult to live in the will of God sometimes, but I would rather suffer in the will of God, than to suffer in eternity with the devil! Instrument of righteousness; instrument of unrighteousness! The choice is yours, but don’t say it verbally because it is displayed through your actions!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

God Is Waiting For You To Turn

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

2 Chronicles 16:9

The words recorded in today’s devotional serve a since of comfort in the hearts of all believers as we are reminded that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth… God has His eye on you and will continue to watch over and protect you… Having His eye on you means that He not only is observing, but that He also knows all your shortcomings and mistakes… As a child of God we must be open and honest with Him as we grow in the knowledge of Him… This can only be accomplished through a (n) open heart and mind in the dealings and communications with our Savior… There are so many of us living in a self inflected bondage because we have not turned all of our afflictions over to Him… God is ready to show himself strong on your behalf; however, you must first acknowledge your weakness and need for His presence… The children of God had experienced much success at the time of this writing; however, their confidence in trust soon became in themselves and not God… In was through trial and hardship that God regains their attention to teach them of His power and perfection… 

Today, know that God must take priority in your life; you must continue to trust and confide in Him if you want to Experience His power and perfection… This is why the word of God concludes by saying that God does all of these things on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him… You are not required to be perfect in order to be blessed; on the contrary, you must have a perfect desire to please and adhere to the will of God… This message informs us that the eyes of the Lord are present; however, He cannot move on your behalf until you have a heart for Him… The word of God reminds us today that we are covered and protected by God! Often times in this life we feel exposed, we feel puzzled at the site of the mountains that are planted in our lives… There are days when we feel oppressed and times of despair where we want to give up and just quit; today we should be encouraged, today we should lift our heads in praise to God for we are reminded that even in the dark days God is by our side! We are reminded today that even when trouble seems to have mounted up on every side of us that God is still in the midst of the storm and will see us through… Notice this passage from Chronicles states that He is going to and fro to show himself strong toward those who are perfect toward him!

Again, to acknowledge strength, we must acknowledge weakness; this passage is saying that we will see God’s strength when we become weak… You have to turn your situation over to the Lord, stop trying to fight this battle by yourself, stop thinking that you must handle every situation and recognize that God is waiting for you to invite Him in… So many of us say that we are waiting on God, but this passage teaches us that He is waiting in us… He knows your heartache, He sees your pains and is ready to show up mighty if you are willing to show your futility and turn to Him… There are a lot of things that we go through and have lost hope in and God is saying that these situations are so that you can see my power, so that you will understand that I am at work in your life and that these mountains aren’t overtaken by your actions! He is on the scene and waiting for you to turn every situation over to him, turn your house over to him, relinquish your anger, resentment, or envy over to him… Declare today that you can’t make it on your own power and allow him to manifest his strength in the situation!

He will show up on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards him! I am truly glad today that God looks at our heart and what we have on the inside today… What He is saying is that I know that you have some situations in life and have made some mistakes, but I know your heart is in the right place so I am going to show up and work things out for you anyhow! Surely we all have fallen short (I can attest to that today), we all have walked down the wrong road from time to time, but God is saying if your heart is in the right place, if you are believing in me and trying to adhere to my calling I will make sure that your darkness becomes light, I will transform you and I will bring your through! The eyes of God are upon every situation in your life, instead of complaining acknowledge your weakness and pray His strength in the situation; after all, his eyes are roaming to and fro waiting for a chance to reveal his greatness! Give him a chance today!


Monday, June 25, 2018

Don't Be Anxious, Just Pray

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

A lot of us may be walking around wondering why God hasn’t answered our prayers; we may even be at a point where we find ourselves wondering if He even heard our prayer which we laid before Him… The answer to this question resides in the verses we focus on in today’s devotional… Despite all the confusion and chaos we find ourselves dealing with directly or indirectly within this world; Paul reminds us that the first step which must be taken in walking according to the will of God is that you do not be anxious about anything... Anxiety a (n) nervousness, unease and apprehension about something which will eventually be a bridle within our minds taking captive our thoughts and the direct steps which we take upon this earth…   When we worry we reach a state of unrest and therefore find ourselves tossing and turning until we either get an answer or resolve the situation on our own… This is not of God and this captivating mental state must be denied within us so that we can clearly see God working through us… There are situations that we all face which do concern us; however, when we walk in faith we pray about them and completely turn them over to the Lord… Doing this keeps us from becoming anxious… Knowing that God has heard us and will step in on His time gives us peace of mind over every situation and stronghold that we encounter… How you handle things outside of your control is the best indicator to the depth of your relationship with the Lord… Jesus through all His life and even through all His persecutions never rushed or tried to speed up the actions of His father… You can say that peace was on Him and dwelt within Him no matter the storm or test that was presented… Remember, in the gospel of John, Jesus says, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. 

This passage comes as Jesus tells them that He will be going away… Knowing that His death is coming, knowing that sin will be thrust upon His shoulders and knowing that He would be betrayed; Jesus lets the disciples know that He is at peace… His peace is derived from a complete trust and faith in His father’s divine plan… This is the mindset that we all should be trying to achieve in this life; knowing that there are things which are simply out of our control, realizing that not everything will work as we planned, we can still be at peace within ourselves knowing that God has a plan and just like it’s written in Jeremiah, His plan is to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future… There are a lot of thing in life that we desire to obtain, a lot of goals that we have set in place to reach and a lot of heights we want to climb in this life… Today, Paul reminds us that having desires are fine, but that we must align our desires with the will and direction of God… Paul starts off todays focus verses by saying that we are not to be anxious about anything; I think we all would agree that we live in a “I want it now” society with a “give it to me now” mindset… This approach to life leads many to turn from the will of God and seek their own way through this difficult journey on earth… The bible is filled with many promises, but the fruition of those promises usually takes years and countless hours to be birthed… The Israelites were told that they would receive the Promise Land, but it took over forty years and a lost generation before they settled in the Land promised by God, Job lost all He had and waited countless days and months before the Lord blessed him with double what he had… Paul was struck with blindness by God on his way to Damascus and for three days could not see… God has made promises of deliverance, victory and blessings to you; however, as a child of God you must be careful to allow His will to unfold in your life…

If you decide to inquire of God as to when and/or how these things will come about in your life is fine, but you must also remain faithful in knowing that God doesn’t work on your timetable and that there will be times when you may not receive the response you’re looking for or even get a response from God at all (see Job)… What Paul is teaching today is that trying to do things on your own will lead to more problems and conflicts, we must pray about situations instead of acting of reacting, we must lay our request (petitions) before the Lord instead of moving without His guidance and we must always be thankful… The key to making a request to God is to always be thankful for what He has already done in your life and what He is doing… I make many requests to God; however, I make these requests because of the kindness and faithfulness that He has already shown and I am careful to give Him thanks because of His goodness… You may be making a request to God in the form of deliverance, healing or financial freedom today; however, make sure that you recognize the blessings that God has already bestowed, know that you are blessed to simply be able to go before Him and lay your problems at the foot of his throne… When you are careful to avoid anxiety and make a rash decision you allow God’s plan and will to take affect, when you are pray for God’s guidance He will impart it to you, when you are thankful and recognize His sovereignty than His peace will be bestowed into the situation… This peace will give you comfort to sleep, this peace will allow you to stop worrying, this peace will give you confidence to know that even though things may not be happening according your plan, things are taking place and that God is in the midst… He will guard your heart (keep you out of harm’s way) and your mind (keep you from making bad decisions) as long as you keep your focus on Christ… If you want peace, if you want comfort, focus on Christ and allow God to focus on your problems!


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Look To Jesus To Find Strength

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Hebrews 12:3

There is no shortcut to reaching the heights and plateau that God has designed for you; there is no way to circumvent the paths and lanes which were uniquely customized for your feet to travel… In today’s devotional we are reminded that we must focus on our source of strength instead of dwelling on our current problem or situation… There are so many of us who daily find ourselves being caught up in situations to the point that we neglect and negate the power and presences of God… When you find yourself on the verge of throwing in the proverbial towel, when you feel like you are at the end of your rope and can’t say any way out, the author tells you that you must consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners… Remember all the snares, trials and hardships that Jesus faced; remember the heartache and spiritual pain that was firmly thrust upon His shoulders and know that in the end He was victorious… You can draw strength from the Lord by simply reflecting on all that He has done in your life and even before you were born… Jesus fought the good fight over 2000 years ago so that you could see this day; He considered it not robbery to leave His home in glory so that you could one day reside with Him… All these things Jesus did for you and indeed did accomplish them and this alone should provide your source of strength and motivation to do the same… The enemy can only defeat you if you allow Him and the proof of this statement is in the words of Jesus Christ recorded in the 4th chapter of Matthew… 

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. The passage from Matthew should serve as a great source of encouragement for the weak and discouraged believer… The devil presented Jesus with choices to try and deter His divine destiny; however, Jesus standing firm on the knowledge of God was able to combat Him and prevail… Today, know that the enemy will present choices in your life; He cannot defeat you, but will try to get you to ultimately be your own worse enemy and thus defeat yourself… Jesus drew strength from the words It is written; you can draw that same strength from Him today and not allow the enemy to overwhelm you to the point that you give up on your divine calling and destiny… All these things which Jesus endured was not only to bring Salvation into reality, it also was to display the Lord’s victory over sin so that you will not grow weary and lose heart… 

So many of us would have bailed and given up if it were not for the story of Jesus being spoken to us… We would have ran from our calling and not stood in faith if we didn’t know about a man from the town of Bethlehem and how He overcame every device of the enemy to fulfill the prophetic words of old… Jesus opened the door to rekindle our relationship with the father and also left us with a rod of reinforcement to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel… This life is filled with ups and downs; the minute you think you have peace of mind is the same minute you find yourself on the verge of pulling out your hair… There are many trials and tribulations that we are too fast and the word of God declares to us that we are assured to encounter test and opposition… The beginning of the 12th chapter of Hebrews starts off by saying, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus conquered what people thought was unconquerable (death) and is not sitting at the right hand of God making intercession for us… He is a living example that things are not always what they same and even the most trying situations can produce the most fulfilling results… Keep your hand to the plow; the field will produce the harvest which will make the sowing all that more enjoyable…


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Confession + Prayer = Healing

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16

Problems derive from faults not being confessed or mistakes made being shown through love… Today’s devotion reminds us of the importance confessing one another’s faults to each plays in the processes of healing… There are a lot of people walking around in life with open wounds; these wounds are infected daily because bitterness has not been removed and anger continues to fester like bacteria with oxygen… This same principle applies to the offender and the offended; as the offender, often times we will deny wrong doing which will allow a spirit of pride, self righteousness and an egotistical mindset to be rooted in us and drive us further from the truth… In order to have closure in your life which gives way to healing, you must either acknowledge your wounds or confess your actions which lead to someone being wounded… This acknowledgment must not only take place, but must also be prayed over; this is why James goes on to say that not only must we confess our faults, but that we must pray one for another… Recognizing the mistake you made or the offense that someone committed to you is the first step; however, until you seek a resolution and closure through prayer this issue will not and cannot be resolved… 

In understanding the importance of prayer, I am lead to reminding you that the issues you face in life are not meant for you to handle but to teach you to turn them over to the Lord… There are so many problems that could’ve been resolved and so many issues that could’ve been handled differently if we gave way to the plan and move of the Holy Spirit… Prayer is essential to being healed because it removes all the infected items (you and the other person) from being involved and thus making the matter even worse… When you carry envy, jealousy, anger and strife; you are infected and will do nothing but infect everything that you come in contact with… Healing can only be found in and through the hands of God… The bible declares that Jesus was presented with a situation after being transfigured before James Peter and John about a boy who as possessed and the disciples were unable to cure him… At the command of Jesus the boy was whole; in their astonishment, the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t heal him,Jesus declared that this could only be done by fasting and prayer… The confession of the need for healing by the father of the possessed boy and the prayer of Jesus led to the transformation of this young man… Today, know that it is through confessing your faults one to another and prayer that you can not only exalt Christ, but can also be healed and made whole... You must pray, but you must also be covered in the righteousness of Jesus Christ… 

As a child of God, one of the most important assignments we have is to lift up one another through prayer and fellowship… We need to be in support of one another in the body and cease gossiping or any kind of malice towards each other! James tells us to confess your faults one to another, confession brings healing, it brings true love and reconciliation; but, we must make sure that we live a life that will allow someone to confess things to us. There is a lot of hurt and pain that often times is bottled up inside someone because they have no one to talk too. As a child of God we have a duty to our fellowman to make sure that we create an atmosphere of love and openness that will bring others to Christ and not have them guarded about what they say towards them! Not only is it important to confess our faults so that we can be lifted up within the body, but we must also remember to pray for each other…The bible tells us that we are to pray without ceasing, we should be constantly in prayer for one to another lifting up the faults that are confessed to us to God and not to other parties through gossip… It is the power of prayer and confession to God that will ultimately bring healing into our lives, when we confess our sins and express our sorrows to others we cause a multitude of people (who we have confessed too) to lift us up in prayer… The bible declares that the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much; seek him while he may be found, open your heart to God and know that through Faith he will answer your prayers!


Thursday, June 21, 2018

It's Only Possible Because of Christ

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Acts 10:38 

You can do nothing without the power and presence of God…Even though the world declares to us that we can do a lot of things if we apply ourselves, the word of God informs us today that even Jesus Christ had to be anointed and aided by the Holy Ghost in order to do good and heal all that were oppressed of the devil… Notice that that today’s devotion declares that we need the anointing of God not to just perform miracles but simply to do good… Sin is naturally apart of our being, we are filled with filth and a strong desire to fulfill the lust of the flesh… Doing good embodies so many actions of our daily lives; we need the presence of God in our lives to speak kindness amidst gossip and betrayal, we need His anointing to extend a helping hand to our adversary and enemies…When we are of this world we focus on trying to get ahead using whatever means necessary; however, when we are under the anointing of God we have faith that we will reach new heights and are willing to extend a hand to those we pass along the way… We all have probably heard the saying “what would Jesus do” and after reading this question I am left posing the question how did Jesus do it…? How is it they He could allow Judas to kiss Him in betrayal, how could He heal the ear of the guard, how could He keep quite while all the lies were spoken about Him and how could He endure the cross knowing that His life was lived without blame… 

The answer lies in the words of this passage; God anointed Him and the Holy Ghost guided Him… This same principle must be applied to your life; you won’t be able to do what Jesus did if you don’t have the same in dwelling spirit that He did… In short, you must come to know the Father and allow the father to be within you so that you then can accomplish the most possible on this earth… In the world you will experience some success when displaying a hard work ethic; however, under the anointing of God you will experience great success while working hard and will also be able to  accomplish things that were deemed impossible (miracles being signs of God’s presence in your life)…  Today we understand the power that God imparts within His children; we come to the realization that we have been given a (n) ability to defeat the devil through the power of God’s anointing and Holy Spirit… Acts tells us that God anointed Jesus and He went about doing good and healing the oppressed; the vision of Jesus life was already in place, but now God imparted the tools needed to fulfill His divine destination! We too must understand that God has given us the vision for our lives and He has and will impart within us the tools that we need to succeed… This passage teaches us today that we truly must be under the leadership of the Lord in order to overcome the ways of the devil… Too many of us have tried to take on Satan with our very own hands and have continued to lose the battle, Luke is informing us today that if we want to be victorious our life must line up with the word and will of God! It was the anointing that God gave, the approval that God stamped upon the life of Jesus (from the time of His birth, through His baptism all the way to His resurrection) that not only paved the way to Him sitting on the right hand but also allowing us a chance to inherit Eternal Life… 

The bible tells us that when Jesus was Baptized the Spirit of God descended upon Him in the form of a dove and then the voice of God hidden in clouds said this is my Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased… Shortly after Jesus Baptism the bible says that He was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil… God had given Jesus the mission and the strength to fulfill it, so when tempted of the devil He not only refuted Him, but dismissed him from His presences… When we align ourselves with the will of God we are able to overcome any obstacles that may be presented before us… Paul says “Who can separate us from the love of Jesus…?” He then goes on to say that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…” We can draw strength from Christ because He drew it from God… Every time Jesus went into the wilderness to pray He was being strengthened by God; every time He knelt down in prayer He rose with a little more power within Him, and these times prepared Him for His greatest task, the cross…Let us keep this in perspective today, that we must continue to pray and continue to seek the Lord in all that we deal with, knowing and understand that we draw strength from God to carry out the mission that our lives have been given! There are people who need to see your walk, there are children that look up to you, there are elders that are waiting to smile in the atmosphere of your success and overcoming spirit! So continue to seek Him while He may be found and understand that He is the only way to plow through these trying times and come through on top!


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

God Cares; You'll See In Due Time

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7

Humility is the characteristic that if handled correctly will unlock the divine will and plan of God for your life… I say that it must be handled correctly, because humility can also unlock destruction in chaos in once life if you are humbling yourself to the wrong authority… This is why Peter says Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God; your humility can either be used to promote or tear down and it must be handled carefully… The meek temperament shown through humility allows someone to be molded, shaped or fashioned for a specific purpose… In the beatitudes, Jesus Christ declares Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. When you allow yourself to be molded, you then can be transformed to go to another level in Christ which will in turn open up doors in your life to inherit things that you never thought you would be able to obtain… A meek person is submissive; they are complaint to the authority in their lives and are mild mannered… I can reiterating this point because it is of the utmost importance that we understand how humility unlocks Gods favor but can also lead us down a path of darkness and destruction if we submit to the wrong things… A lot of us become frustrated with the will and plan of God; we don’t see Him moving as we desired and so we find ourselves submitting to the desires of the flesh or of this world…  This is why Peter says that we must first submit to the mighty hand of God and then proceeds to say that this must happen so that he may exalt you in due time…You have to know that just because you submit to the will of God doesn’t mean that He is going to act in your favor or own your behalf right away… So many of us are looking for a big miracle and God is simply paving avenues to your divine destiny which are not bordered in gold… 

Your faith and humility are stable when your foundation is knowing that God will move in due time… The things of this world which teach that results should be instant do not flow with the design of the very will of God… The bible declares very clearly that “his ways are not our ways nor his thoughts our thoughts…” God has plan being carried out and you must learn today that your humility can not be deterred based on when you see results… Being accountable is the key to experiencing the purpose that God has for your life… Peter says that we must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God… The truth of the matter is that we can do nothing on our own, when we try to live according to our own standards and priorities we end up in a world of hurt and pain… God wants you to leave all your thoughts and cares with Him… He wants you to walk around knowing that He can and will take care of you… This is why humility is key, if you aren’t humble than you will never be compliant to the will of God because you will try to handle every situation on your own… When you are humble, things roll off your back because you take them to the Lord and leave them there… Look at your life and the results that you have seen when it comes to choices that you have made without seeking the guidance of the Lord… In acts of humility we recognize that we need Gods help and that we are full of flaws and mistakes… God will deliver you, but you must be accountable to admit that you need deliverance…Once we accept that humbling factor, we must have enough faith to not give up when situations aren’t changed or corrected in the time in which we desire… How strong is your faith? Think about it as we examine these scriptures taken from 1 Peter the 5th chapter… The fact of the matter is that God knows what you stand in need; He sees your aches, your valleys, and your mountains! 

He knows all to well the course of rocky plains and hurdles that lay before you, the question is do you truly believe that? To humble yourself is to sacrifice your focus and shift to the authority of another! Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God; go through the trials and tribulations, face the storms that rage and intensify knowing through Faith that God is with you, knowing that trials come and serve purposes in our lives and as the psalm writer said, believe that “we will understand it better by and by…” There will be many things that don’t make sense, many problems that we don’t want to face, but it is through these circumstances that God is asking the first question, how strong is your faith? Before you can be blessed, God must be assured that you are ready, before you can be exalted God must be assured that you are ready for exaltation! He must be assured that you are accountable to your own sins and know that He is the way, the truth and the light… Growing involves growing pains, maturing involves spiritual and physical adjustments… We were made in His image, and He is trying to bring His image out since it has been clouded by our own desires! You will be exalted in due time, your breakthrough is coming, your victory is assured, and your triumph has been ordained under the heavens! So don’t become weary, don’t give up, don’t settle, but press toward the mark, hold your head up, and keep the faith! Cast all your cares on the Lord, when your struggling, Pray; when your hurt, Pray; when your back is against the wall, Pray, when you feel alone or isolated, Pray…. Cast all your cares upon him. Everything that is on your mind take it to the Lord in prayer, knowing that He hears you, but more importantly, believing that He will step in, in DUE TIME!!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

All Flesh Shall See God

Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

Isaiah 40:4-5

Every stumbling block you face in your life is guaranteed to become a stepping stone when you walk according to the will and plan of God… As a child of God we have to have the mindset that trouble will arise; however in and through it we will not only come out, but we will be better than we were when we first went in… The word that came to Isaiah informs us today that Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low…  A valley is a low area of land usually found between a hill or mountain; on the other hand, a hill is a raised area of land (a mountain being a little higher than a hill)… I clarify these things to make the point of what Isaiah is saying to us today, the things in your life that appear in one form will be flipped and transformed into another form when you walk by faith and not sight… There are areas of you life that you think are low points and God wants you to know that He can lift; there are situations that you face which you think cannot be conquered because they are to high and steep, the word of God for you today is that He can make them manageable so that you can cross over… No situation is too hard for our God; even when things seem to be spiraling out of control in your life, know that the crooked shall be made straight… The things you face in life are challenging you to display your faith and not just speak about it… This is why we are assured to have trials and tribulations, hardships and despair… 

There is a greater work being performed in the midst of the storm you face and you can maintain your standing in Christ by knowing that the glory of the Lord shall be revealed… For something to be revealed, it must first be concealed… The things in your life that are concealing your destiny and God’s grace are serving the purpose of setting the stage for you and the hand of God to be revealed in the lives of others… Despite how daunting this Christian journey may appear to be, there is good news for you and I to hold on to… There are many people of this world who appear to be succeeding and many phases of life, many who don’t walk according to the will of God; however, they seem to be living life to the fullest… Isaiah informs us today that we must be careful not to get caught of in the way things appear or seem to be because “…the glory of the Lord shall be revealed…” God is revealed in the most uncertain situations, it’s when you know that you can’t handle it or that you don’t have the authority over it that God is revealed in and through it… This is how the beauty and majesty of the Lord is revealed in your life… You face valleys, hills, mountains and crooked paths so that you know and others see that God is the only one, who can transform, lift and overcome… Make no mistake about it; in the end, God will be exalted… Everyone will come to know your path and see how God has kept you and secured you… His glory is revealed when people come to know that it wasn’t anything that you did, but the grace and mercy that God deposited in your life that has been your crutch… There are times in life when circumstances aren’t what you desire them to be; situations that seem unfair and unjust; times when the trials and tribulations, the storms and rain just are too much to even comprehend. Again, this passage taken today informs us that the glory of the Lord will be revealed. 

This is encouraging to me because I firmly believe that God has our best interest at heart, He never said that the road would be easy, but He did say that His glory would be revealed. That means that we will behold His majesty, we will see His omnipotence and feel His favor. Some things take place in your life so that you will understand that only God can deliver you, some things happen so that you will increase in faith in the Lord. This text tells us that all flesh will see it, those who persecute you will see His goodness; those who rob you of your joy will see His mercy upon you; all this will come to fruition simply because as Isaiah says, “…the Lord hath spoken it…” There will be dark days where people will see your sorrows, but know that this is the time where God is manifesting His will, this is the time that He is instilling His plan, this is the time where He makes sure that His name is exalted by your deliverance…, Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” What God is saying through the prophet today is that we don’t mourn as a people without hope, what God is saying is that you should consider it pure joy whenever you face trials and tribulations… What God is saying today is that your trials allow people to see His glory! Sometimes the trials that you face aren’t meant for you, but you have to go through them so that you may show others your faith and God may show the world His faithfulness… He said He would never leave you nor forsake you; God said it, I believe it and that settles it!!!


Monday, June 18, 2018

Trials Are Vital To Growth

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Romans 5:3-5

It is easy for a Christian to boast about the goodness of Jesus when things are well in their respective lives, it’s easy for them to share their joy with others who are down or sad when they feel the presences of God in their lives; however, through today’s devotional we are reminded of the greatest ministry that we have which is developed through our trials and tribulations… Understand today that the same joy we experience in the sunshine we must display and experience in the rain… So many of us claim to be about the work of the Lord, but in crunch time when the sweat begins to come forth we don’t keep our hands to the plow… This message today serves as a reminder that you can’t have one without the other… You can’t love Christ and not obey His commands; you can’t seek His face and not seek His will… This is why Paul writes this chapter in his letter to the Church of Rome; the message of Christ had gone forth, but the toiling and persecution was not accepted… This same principle is what plagues the church of today… We want the cake, but we don’t want to be in the kitchen to bring all the ingredients together… We want the end result, but not the beginning equation…Look at the first part of these verses, Paul says, “And not only so…” 

There’s so much joy experienced when one turns their life over to Christ, there is a newness felt within that cannot be put into words and the greatest artist of all cannot even begin to imagine and put to a canvass the speechless feeling that one gains when they now know they are now co-heirs with Christ… In the midst of this uncontrollable bliss, Paul wants us to remember that there is a marriage in the body of Christ that binds the grace of God with the trials and tribulations of the world… These two are inseparable and it’s simply all or nothing…So many of us spend our days trying to experience the grace of God without the persecutions that come with the grace and therefore we find ourselves trying to tip top through life and never walk by faith… The faith you need to please God is lacking in our life which will then lead you to enduring more through your storms and not getting more out of them… Paul says that we glory in tribulations also; you must have a mindset which will take on the hardest obstacle and steepest mountain because of your trust and faith in Christ… Look at the passage, Paul is speaking about having glory amidst hardships and tribulations; He is referring to the individual deal with the storm and how you display yourself in the rain… Glory is beauty, splendor, brilliance or fame; there are some people in your life that need see your beauty in splendor when you go through stuff and not just when you feel comfortable and there is no storm in your current forecast… When you walk in faith your splendor will be evident no matter what you face…You thank God when things are God and praise Him for learning when you go through a test… This is why Paul says we glory in tribulations also: knowing… Your glory can been seen through all the clouds of life when you have faith in God knowing that the storms you face will not over take you but are preparing you for your next level or phase of life… 

The key to your beauty, the key to your smile, the key to your joy is found in knowing… When you know that God loves you, you don’t fret about the situation or the circumstances of tomorrow, when you know God loves you, you can embrace the most disgusting and ugliest of situations, when you know that God loves you, you can see the ray of hope in the rain and the light at the end of what appears to be a dark scary tunnel… You can accept the course of life which prevents challenges and changes, not because you love a test, but because you love God and know that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us…You are not enduring this rough time or dark situation on your own… The GPS (God’s Plan of Salvation) will lead you and give you the turn by turn directions that you need to arrive to your divine destination safely… James tells us that we should consider it pure joy whenever we face trials and tribulations… We have to acknowledge that fact that we must go through growing pains and hardships in order to reach the plateau which Christ has called us too… Jesus told us to keep in mind that they hated him first, you will be hated on, you will be abused, scorned, mocked, and insulated; but, the greatest testimony you can have is to cling to God’s unchanging hand and know that you are on a road to victory! Jesus endured the most humiliating hardships known to man; the cross, but just as a sheep before his shearers he never said a mumbling word… Let us maintain our joy, stay encouraged and remember that each trial you face serves a purpose in your life… The love of God has been shed on your life, it will cover you, keep you, and sustain you until he returns… The word says He will never put more on us than we can bare, the focus should be on the fact that we each have to bare a load and not that we presume this road to be easily traveled!


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Don't Be Afraid; Trust God

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Isaiah 12:2-3

The enemy has launched a (n) all out assault on your divine destiny… He wants to fulfill the passage of scripture in John 10:10 where Jesus says that the enemy cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy… The ultimate goal and plan of Satan is no secret to the true believer of Jesus Christ; however, many of us fall short because we don’t recognize the ways and forms that the enemy will take on to accomplish his goals… We know that he is attacking us, but we don’t recognize the way in which he is coming… The Israelites found themselves dealing with this principle from the time they were lead out of Egypt to the prophetic years of Isaiah… The children of God had to be reminded that the same God that delivered them before will deliver them now… Instead of giving in to the outlook of things, they are reminded to draw water out of the wells of salvation… Several times the enemy bogged down their minds with so much that they begin to defy God and act in disobedience; the message of today’s devotional is to accept the unacceptable (God’s will), be submissive to the unimaginable (God’s plan) and not cower in fear because of the appearance of your current circumstances… 

The things that you face upon this earth each and every day are not to mislead you or destroy you but to give you a testimony and a song to sing… Isaiah calls to our remembrance today the fact that even though the battle may be intense, the love of God and the plan of salvation that He has for your life will win… Sing your song today and let the devil know that God is my salvation, serve notice to the land that the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song… All the enemy can do is try to get you to neglect the power and plan that God has and will bestow in your life if you follow Him… There are a lot of us that fall into the trap of forgoing our destiny because of the appearance of situations in our lives… The loss of a job, the death of a relative and/or in financial difficulties; all these things can have someone so bogged down that they forget who their salvation is derived from… The same grace that provided you a job, the same grace that allowed you to experience that warm embrace from a loved one and the same grace that provided stability in your finances will always be there… Take a moment to reflect back on your life to this point… Think about the decisions that you have made the consequences you faced and the hills and valley’s that you have been through and overcome… Isaiah reminds us today that we can’t make it on our own, we are not able to overcome within our own power and if we continue to live this life according to our abilities we will end up never reaching the potential that is there through the eyes and might of God… Isaiah says “God is my salvation…” The choice is yours, either you will walk according to the will of God or you will walk according to your own standards… Isaiah understood that captivity was on the horizon, bondage was approaching, sleepless nights were imminent and days of sorrow were assured… 

We too must come to the realization that not every day will be what we expect, not every situation will play out exactly as we desire, and that there will be times of confusion and isolation… The Israelites went through hundreds of years of bondage, but were brought forth praising and honoring God, you will go through adversity, but if you know that God is your salvation, if you know His wells run deep and nothing of this world can break His foundation than you are able to sing a new song in the midst of adversity, you able to sing a new song in the midst of trials because you know that when you draw from His deep wells you will be that tree planted by the rivers that shall not be moved… These are the words that should embody our walk with Christ! Isaiah reminds us today that we don’t need to be afraid; he reminds us that we have a song to sing, he reminds us that we can draw strength in the time of weakness! Paul said “when I am weak then I am strong for your grace is sufficient!” Paul later wrote that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Isaiah knows today who is in control, he remembers who touched him in his vision with the live coals and sent him on his way! Let us remember who has brought us this far, let us remember who has become our salvation, and let us continue to run this race, knowing that it isn’t given to the swift (we don’t need to be in the fast lane) but to those who endure (don’t give up) and hold to His unchanging hand! When you thirsty, you can draw from His well; not only will you be quenched, but the water of God will give you the strength to run and faint… When you know He’s your strength and your salvation, you can draw from Him with joy as Isaiah says; the enemy says that weakness is failure; however, God says your weakness is power… So don’t feel bad when you can’t handle things on your own, you were never meant to in the first place…