Monday, July 8, 2024

Be At Peace And Let God Work

Acquaint now thyself with God, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.

Job 22:21 

Today’s devotion is centered around two very vital points that we must come to understand as we journey through this life. The first is that we must know God more intimately each and every day of our lives. This requires a desire to grow, mature, and develop in the very will of God. To acquaint yourself with something is to open yourself up, expose your past, or submit to something. God is waiting for you to open up to Him, He is waiting for you to reveal the skeletons in your closet and He is waiting for you to submit to the divine plan He has for your life…   We will face obstacles in life; however, when we are acquainted with the Lord, we are able to trust Him, continue to worship Him, and hold on to His unchanging hand… It is only through this acquaintance with the Lord that your mind, body, and soul can be at peace… You can accept the challenges of life, you can face the most daunting of tasks and you can endure the severest of storms because you know who God is, and more importantly, you have grown in knowing what the scriptures say, “I will never leave you nor forsake you…” I challenge you today to find peace amidst your storms.


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