Thursday, August 1, 2024

His Abilities Are Unfathomable

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

When Paul wrote this letter to the church of Ephesus, the church had been dealing with various hardships and tumultuous situations. There were many instances where the church had become valuable monetarily and not spiritually. The people in the church had become very ego-friendly and self-worth-driven. Everything in this church began to fall apart, every battle seemed to have been lost and the members who cling to the promises of God were slowly starting to question their faith. Through this background, we can draw a parallel from the circumstances of yesterday to our present standing. Church has become big business, the devil seems to have control over the pulpit and those who hold to their faith have begun to believe that the “church age” is over. 

Paul reasons with us today how we are to keep our composure through these frustrating times. The first thing we see is that we must remember that God can do exceeding and abundantly more than we can ever imagine. Paul says that God is able to do exceeding above all we can ask or think… Paul is encouraging the believers at the church of Ephesus to remember the God they serve… It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are or what people may be saying; God is able… It doesn’t matter what the doctor has told you, God is able… You may be at a low point in your life and Paul is saying that you can be lifted up! Even the best things that you can imagine happening in your life, Paul is saying that God can and will go above and beyond your greatest imagination... His abilities are unfathomable.


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