Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Serve Him Without Fear

"That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,  In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life."

Luke 1:74-75

Make no mistake about it, though you face trials and tribulations and deal with hardships, the desire of God is for you to be reunited with Him… Luke records today, verses that echo this same sentiment… It is by God’s grace that you and I have been delivered out of the hand of the enemy… As we walk through this life, we need not only to take note of God’s grace as far as being alive, but we also need to understand that things could always be worse… Luke is clear that we have been delivered out of the hand of the enemy… Whether you realize it or not, if the enemy had his way with you only God knows where you would be… The fact that you can overcome, the fact that you can stand, the fact that you have just enough is a testament to God’s goodness and His grace that has kept you and will continue to keep you all the days of your life… 

Notice the intent behind God’s grace that delivered you, Luke says that He did this so that we, “…might serve him without fear…” There are two different kinds of fear, we are called to fear God and keep His commandments; however, the fear that is spoken of in the gospel of Luke is a fear that leads one to second-guess and allow lordship over them. When we fear God, we respect and honor Him, when we fear the enemy, we are intimidated, scared, and controlled by him. Satan desires for you to fear him because fear can be a device used to control and manipulate an individual or situation. If I fear someone, I am more gullible to do whatever it is that they ask of me; however, if I fear the Lord, I want to bring honor to Him by living a life that pleases Him and shines His beacon light upon the lives and hearts of others…


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