Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Watch & Pray

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Matthew 26:41

As a child of God, you must always be on guard… The moment you become comfortable is the same moment when you become susceptible to the devices of the enemy… Being alert is not an optional trait that we carry, but a command from the very mouth of Jesus which was spoken to His disciples as He begins to prepare for crucifixion… If you want to reach the levels God desires and has planned for you, you must learn to “watch and pray…” Today, through this passage we learn how easy temptation can seep into our hearts and minds… It is through these words that we learn how much danger lies at our doorstep every morning or even cuddles beside us in our beds… Jesus speaks to the disciples about temptation knowing that they didn’t even realize what was taking place… A lot of times we overlook the small things (like falling asleep) but Jesus teaches us today that we need to learn to deal with the small issues in life before they lead to bigger problems… 

There are a lot of things that lead us to temptation; there are a lot of doors that we have left open in our lives that entice us to do wrong… Some of these doors could be acquaintances that we need to shut off, and some of these doors could be old habits that we never fully removed from our lives. The point that we need to learn today is that no matter where you are in life, temptation is around you… So many people think that they are above certain things based on their economic or social standing; however, the truth of the matter is that when you begin to put confidence in your flesh, you open the door to the enemy taking advantage of your weaknesses which is why Jesus goes on to say “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak….” You can overcome the attack of the enemy; however, the only way to conquer him is through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit which is realized by submission and prayer… 


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