Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Cross Demonstrates His Power

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18

When I want to give up on this journey I find strength in the cross… When I feel like I can’t make it another day, I can go to sleep with a smile because of the cross… It is through the cross that children of God find hope and strength… In suffering the most humiliating death on earth Jesus obtained the greatest victory known to man (which is victory over death)… The cross reminds me that nothing thrust against me will overcome the will and divine plan of God… The cross reminds me to accept challenges, endure hardships, and embrace obstacles because in the midst of my pain and suffering a victory is being obtained that will far surpass my current predicament… Some people are in this world and don’t know the hope they have or can have in Christ Jesus… There are people you encounter daily who don’t know the authority the enemy has over them is only given to him by them. People don’t know that they have been freed and are in bondage by choice and not circumstance… Since people don’t realize what Jesus did and haven’t realized that the situations they face and the chaos that surrounds their everyday lives are a result of their own actions “the message of the cross is foolishness…” 

Your life can be better than it is, you can have peace that is stable amidst this unstable world, but you must let go and allow God to work… Jesus let go after praying for the cup to pass from Him, as a result, God not only delivered Him, but placed Him in high esteem… As a Christian, our faith lives in what took place on the cross… Paul’s letter to the church of Corinth reminds us today of the biggest obstacle that stands not only between believers and non-believers but also what separates us from all other religions… All religions believe in a form of God; however, the discrepancy comes into play when you focus on who Jesus is… Most religions see Jesus as a prophet, most recognize Him as a messenger, but only Christianity sees Him as God in the flesh and the savior of all who believe in His name… The message of the cross is our inspiration as a Christian; the message of the cross represents a new beginning and the ability to overcome insurmountable odds... The cross represents death for all who don’t believe, it also represents life for all who call on His name…


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