Friday, September 13, 2024

He Will Save

The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

If you want to experience God's power and might, allow Him into the midst of you… Jesus said behold I stand at the door and knock and we are informed today that God is mighty and when we allow Him in, He will save us! Zephaniah reminds us today that it doesn’t matter how far you have fallen, it doesn’t matter how far you have strayed away, or even how many mistakes you have made; God still sits high and looks low, He still has all power in the palm of His hand and can save you… One of the most interesting things I also see in this passage is that God’s power can only be manifested by your allowance! This verse states “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty…” God must first dwell in you to display His mighty hand… You must sacrifice your desires of the flesh and strive to live a life that's pleasing to the Lord… We often talk about the trials that we are facing and how much anguish we are in, but the biggest storm in our lives that we confront daily is whether or not God is in the midst of us… 

Is God the head of your life, is He the focus of your daily walk, is He the driving force behind your purpose in life? If so, Zephaniah tells us that the God who dwells in you will surely save you… It is of the utmost importance that we establish a relationship with God for Him to enter in and mend our hearts… Zephaniah is speaking to a people who are in a confused and dark place, he is speaking to the hearts of a people who have rebelled against God and found themselves in the lowest of places, Zephaniah is speaking to a people who have lost hope and feel as if there is no way out… Zephaniah is speaking to you when you feel that the pain is too much to bear, he is speaking to you when you feel that your household is in shambles, the prophet is speaking to you when your job becomes so hectic, your finances are in flux and your children have strayed off the course of promise and hope… This message is for the true believer in God when you feel that God isn’t present, this message is for the person in prayer who hasn’t seen any results, it’s for the parent who is trying to make ends meet but can’t seem to stay afloat… The answer to all your struggles begins with your relationship with God! Zephaniah reminds us that if we have a relationship with God, He will surely be there in times of trouble and hardship… God knows how much we can bear, but also will always provide a way of escape… 


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