Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Door Is Still Open

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

Revelation 3:8

Despite what people may have told you or attempted to persuade you to believe, this Christian journey isn’t easy… From the time we wake up until we lay down again, we are surrounded by temptations and snares... While you are resting the enemy is devising new plans to be carried out against you to steal, kill, and destroy all that God has in store for you… You may be wondering why the minute you come out of a storm there is another one on the horizon; this coming and going of obstacles can wreak havoc on you physically and mentally; however, through John’s revelation today we are reminded that God “knows thy works…” No matter how daunting the task may appear to be, no matter how much sweat and tears are poured out or energy is exerted through your ordeals, be encouraged today that your perseverance will pay off and even though it may feel at times that God isn’t there, the truth of the matter is that He is right by your side… 

The Lord sees your struggles; He knows the desires of your heart and has provided you a way of escape and a means of obtaining victory by “setting before thee an open door…” Oftentimes we can get overwhelmed by the things we are faced with and never realize the path God has already paved for us to not only make it through but to overcome and excel… I can recall a very strong piece of advice that my sister once told me; she said, “don’t tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is…” I quote this powerful statement as a means to challenge you to accept the hand that you have and know that the God you serve will make sure that it plays out in a way that you will not only survive it but will come out better than you were going in… Instead of focusing on the why; learn to be thankful for the when… No man can thwart God’s plan, so keep the faith and know that God has prepared your exaltation!


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