Wednesday, September 4, 2024

There's No God Like Thee

LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart.

1 Kings 8:23

Elijah, a prophet of the Lord teaches us today that despite what we may hear or what people may do, there is no other God besides the Lord… This scripture is written at a time when the Israelites have forsaken the way of the Lord, the prophets of Baal have built alters to their gods and destroyed the altars of the Lord… Elijah in the next set of verses calls the people together and instructs the prophets of Baal to lay a sacrifice on their altar and call on their god for fire to consume it… From morning until midday the prophets called and received no answer, they were mocked by Elijah who told them to shout louder and suggested that maybe their God was in deep thought… After failing to reach their god, Elijah resurrects the altar of the Lord and places the offering upon it, he orders the children to bring jars of water to soak the wood and the offering… At that time, Elijah calls on the Lord in front of the children and the 450 prophets of Baal and the Lord responds by consuming the soaked offering by fire and even drying the trenches with the overflow (1 Kings 18: 16-38)… 

This passage teaches us today that there is no god like our God… Many today call on other things or place confidence in different places, but we are assured that in the heat of battle, when the going gets tough when all eyes are on us, God will show up and show out… When you realize in life that all you have is Jesus, that’s when you realize that Jesus is all you need… There were many times in the Bible that the enemy outnumbered the children of God; however, the minorities (believers in Christ) soon were empowered and achieved greatness by the hand of God… Today we are reminded to understand the power that lies within the hand of the Only True God… The scriptures that we examine today remind us that there is “No God like thee…” There may be many claims, and you may be approached by many witnesses from other religions, but we must remember who it is that came to your aide in your time of need, who was it that brought you out of darkness, or who has remained faithful while you lost your faith! There is no God like thee... 


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