Thursday, August 15, 2024

Pray For More Labourers

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;  Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

Matthew 9:37-38

Many times we go to God in prayer when we need a miracle, when we need healing or when we simply are seeking an answer… Jesus reminds us today that we should continually pray for the increase of laborers in the vineyard of the Lord…Surely we can agree that there is a lot of wickedness in the world that we live in! One can simply look out of their windows to see kids having kids, the red and blue lights flashing throughout the night, and diseases spiraling out of control. Many have lost their sense of direction, many have never known their direction, and many have chosen the wrong direction. Whatever the case may be, Jesus has declared to His disciples (us) in the gospel of Matthew that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. We don’t need to seek an opportunity to witness; the opportunity presents itself everywhere we look… It is so easy to find evil in this world, but very hard to find good… 

Jesus is telling us today to pray for people to take action, to stop living unfruitful lives, and to turn to Him… This passage informs me of two things, one that there are a lot of souls to be saved, and second, that there aren’t enough true laborers in the vineyard. Jesus said for us to pray for laborers. One of the biggest reasons that wickedness is continuing to rise in our societies is because we don’t have the commitment to witnessing from the church… Harvesting is more than just dropping a seed; it takes time, effort, and a sense of where to plant! This holds true to the fact that we must give time in our societies, we must make an effort in our communities, and we must know when and where to plant the seeds of the gospel… Your service to the Lord is not shown by how many times you go to church in a week; your service to the Lord will be called into account on Judgment Day when God asks you, “What have you done with the talents I gave you…”


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