Saturday, August 3, 2024

Your Existence Is Evidence That God Is Real

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14

The word of God was never intended to be concealed or stored away within you… The Bible declares that God desires all men to come to know Him and be saved… The greatest work for all followers of Christ is to spread His word wherever we go and whenever the opportunity presents itself… The things that you endure in life are a witness of your faith and God’s faithfulness; you have been through a lot of storms and may be battling with the enemy as we speak, remind yourself that all people will have an opportunity to know “of the glory of the Lord” and sometimes this comes about through your struggles… Despite the way things are done according to today’s standards, no matter how ridiculous things may appear to be according to the opinions of misguided leadership, the Bible calls us to be encouraged in these chaotic times because we have faith and are assured that “the earth shall be filled with knowledge…” People will come to know that there is only one God, people will come to realize the error of their ways and despite how many people may go against you, you can claim victory and extend a hand of love and peace toward them because you know that the God you serve will have His name revealed and revered before all mankind… The way things appear may not be the reality of what they are… The message of Habakkuk the minor prophet challenges the wayward man as well as the man of faith… The wayward man is challenged to repent and turn before it is too late… The man of faith is called to take his foundation of faith and build upon it through the removal of any traces of doubt. As Christians, we thrive upon this message which assures us that the devil has not won, nor has God withdrawn himself from us. He is ever present and in due time He will crack the sky!


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