Monday, August 5, 2024

To Obtain His Promise, You Must Overcome

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Revelation 3:5-6

Jesus is ready to “confess your name before His father and before his angels”, He’s ready to open the door to eternity and record your name in the Book of Life… Through John's revelation, we are reminded of all these things Jesus has said in the bible that He will and would do on your behalf. Jesus declares the promises afforded to you and me; however, for these promises to become a reality, you must hold up your end of the covenant; you must do your part and “overcome (as we see in our focus verses)”… The question may be posed at this time: what must we overcome? The sin that we are born with is a sin that we do not recognize is present until we encounter Jesus… Saul thought that he was doing the right thing until Jesus spoke to Him, the rich young man thought he had done everything right until his heart was brought into question and Nicodemus observed the law as best he could; however, he became a follower of Jesus when he learned from the savior that “you must be born again…” 

The world will have you think that the things of this life are what you need to be focused on; it is far easier for us to go with the flow than to go against the grain; however, this is what we are called and challenged to do… This is what John means when he speaks about overcoming; the desires and temptations you face must be overcome and your life must be placed in the savior's hands… Sin is a natural pleasure and it is one that we (just like babies) must be weaned off of… Oftentimes people talk about Jesus and the saving power that is bestowed through His sacrifice of love; however, they forget to mention that you must choose to accept this offering, and to do that you must first turn from your natural way of thinking…. Despite what people may try to portray to you, this journey in seeking the very presence and will of God is no “cakewalk”… Remember that passage starts off by saying, HE THAT OVERCOMETH, it will be hard, but every hurdle can be jumped, every test can be passed, and the devil can be defeated… You have the ability to succeed on this journey no matter what comes your way; the question is whether or not you want to!!!!


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