Thursday, June 6, 2024

Your Soul Is Priceless

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Isaiah 12:2-3

The enemy has launched an all-out assault on your divine destiny… He wants to fulfill the passage of scripture in John 10:10 where Jesus says that the enemy cometh not but to steal, kill, and destroy…  The Israelites dealt with these attacks from when they were led out of Egypt to the prophetic years of Isaiah… The children of God had to be reminded that the same God that delivered them before will deliver them now… Instead of giving in to the outlook of things, they are reminded to draw water out of the wells of salvation… Several times the enemy bogged down their minds with so much that they began to defy God and act in disobedience; the message of today’s devotional is to accept the unacceptable (God’s will), be submissive to the unimaginable (God’s plan) and not cower in fear because of the appearance of your current circumstances (God's protection)… The key to your walk upon this earth is your trust within your heart… There will be several storms in your life, many situations that will test you; however, you must stand strong in your faith, trusting God and having the assurance that He will be glorified through it and you will be exalted because of it… This journey is not about avoiding the enemy but rather overcoming him… The tribulations and hardships that you face are not to break you but to affirm the strength of God in your life… The things that you face upon this earth each and every day are not to mislead you or destroy you but to give you a testimony and a song to sing… Isaiah calls to our remembrance today the fact that even though the battle may be intense, the love of God and the plan of salvation that He has for your life will win… 

Sing your song today and let the devil know that God is my salvation, serve notice to the land that the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song… All the enemy can do is try to get you to neglect the power and plan that God has and will bestow in your life if you follow Him… There are a lot of us that fall into the trap of forgoing our destiny because of the appearance of situations in our lives… The word of God does not tell you that your days upon this earth will be peaceful and abundant; the bible doesn’t say that trouble will be non-existent or that joy will be experienced at every turn of your life… This is why Isaiah starts off by saying, Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid… There are things in your life that are strategically put in place by the enemy to bring fear upon you… The loss of a job, the death of a relative, and/or financial difficulties; all these things can have someone so bogged down that they forget who their salvation is derived from… The same grace that provided you a job, the same grace that allowed you to experience that warm embrace from a loved one and the same embrace that provided stability in your finances will always be there… Take a moment to reflect back on your life to this point… Isaiah knows today who is in control, he remembers who touched him in his vision with the live coals and sent him on his way! Let us remember who has brought us this far, let us remember who has become our salvation, and let us continue to run this race, knowing that it isn’t given to the swift (we don’t need to be in the fast lane) but to those who endure (don’t give up) and hold to His unchanging hand! When you are thirsty, you can draw from His well; not only will you be quenched, but the water of God will give you the strength to run and not faint…


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