Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Christ Has Conquered All

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 

There are two things that we are promised in this life; one is obstacles and two is the ability to overcome them… Notice that Jesus didn’t say in the world you might have tribulation, He said, “In the world, ye shall have tribulation…” As a child of God, we are sure to endure hardships, we are sure to endure challenges and that’s why Paul said that we must “press toward the mark…” Today find joy in your challenges and obstacles because you know that Jesus has already overcome them and will provide all the tools that you need to do the same… Jesus assures us that there will be many days that we are left scratching our heads and wondering what our eyes see and ears hear as the latest news headlines are released. This world is a diseased place that is slowly killing each person that resides within it (those who desire and adhere to worldly standards and ways of living). 

The desire of Christ is that nobody should perish and that we all be saved… In this passage, Jesus is preparing for His departure from earth and instructing His disciples of the times which lie ahead of them… Jesus declares to His disciples that times of hardship will come, He says, “You will grieve while the world is filled with joy…” Speaking directly to His death and the torment that His followers would endure! Jesus goes on to say that “you will mourn but eventually will be filled with joy…” We all must suffer from time to time in the body of Christ, we all must endure tribulation on this earth, but we find joy in the fact that we can “be of good cheer” because He has overcome the world… Your victory is assured, your foundation is set and your breakthrough is guaranteed… We will indeed suffer in this world, but we take pride in knowing that this is not our permanent residence and that we are storing up our treasures in heaven “where thieves cannot steal and moth cannot corrupt…” 


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