Wednesday, June 5, 2024

God Is Able

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8

One certain thing is that God desires you to have a clear focus in life… He wants you to prosper beyond your imagination and doesn’t want to see you fail. Evidence of this desire being true can be found in God sending His only begotten son to die for us while we were still sinners and didn’t even love ourselves let alone Him… Paul makes a powerful statement today through this passage however, the first portion encompasses what the true Christian must come to obtain and remember as he simply states to the body of believers today that “God is able…” Despite how things may appear and how gruesome the outlook may be, you must stand your ground, continue to fight the good fight of faith, and hold on to the almighty’s unchanging hand knowing and having full confidence in the fact that He is able… There isn’t any problem He cannot solve, no pain He cannot heal no broken heart that He cannot mend… 

Whenever storms rage in your life, whenever you feel like the weight upon your shoulders has increased and become unbearable, know that not only is God able but that He can “make all grace abound toward you…” This is something that we must depend and rely on in the basis of our faith… God can bring you through the storms of life and the growing pains of maturation! God can lift you up in times of despair, tragedy, and hardship. In times of struggle, in times of tribulations, in times of turmoil, when we feel like giving up, when we feel like throwing in the towel, and when we feel like the enemy has won, the bible says that we are to “stand still and know that I am God!” Remember where God has already brought you from, remember the things that He has promised to those who remain faithful, remember that God is able… Through God’s grace, you are strong even at your weakest moment, by God’s grace you can finish the race even when there is nothing left in the tank, by God’s grace you can endure this rugged road and make it through… 


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