Friday, June 21, 2024

Love Him And Let Him Work

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

There are positive outcomes to your circumstances that appear to be negative… Notice that I used the word “Appear”... Oftentimes we equate obstacles with negativity, but Paul reminds us today that this concept is false… In the Old Testament Abraham had to relocate to be blessed and called the father of many nations, Joseph had to endure slavery to see His dream fulfilled, Jacob ran from Esau and was subject to countless attacks before being named Israel… The point is that when we are walking according to the will of God, everything in our paths will be used as a tool to mold us and guide us toward the ultimate prize… Paul wrote a letter to the church of Corinth about his “thorn in his flesh”, he ended by saying that God told him “His grace is sufficient…” 

When storms arise, learn to appreciate the rain because that is what helps flowers grow, just like the sunny days… Paul declares to the Church of Rome that all things work together for the good of those who love God. Notice that he states all things work, the bad and the good will come together and fulfill God’s purpose. Some of us take this verse to read that everything will be peaches and cream, when in reality Paul is saying your suffering has a place in God’s divine will for your life! Every obstacle you face, every trial that is presented, and every storm that comes knocking will align you and prepare you for a new level in the will of God… 


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