Monday, June 12, 2023

You're Proof God Exists

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.  There is no speech nor language, where there voice is not heard.

Psalm 19:1
Even though you may have times in your life when you think God is not near you; today’s focus verse reminds us that the things we see on a daily basis show the very presence of God… Take time throughout your day when the enemy has you down and see the beauty of this earth which is the very hand of God at work… Make it a point today to take notice of the trees and flowers; take a moment to hear the birds chirping and the winds blowing… Sometimes in life, you don’t have to necessarily feel the presence of God directly in your life to know that He is still there… This statement is what summarizes the very meaning and thought of this verse… The heavens and the earth display the omnipresence of God… He is with you, He is standing by you and He is all around you… The splendor and magnificence of God is seen every day of our lives… The beauty of His holiness can be found in the very flowers that bloom in May or the showers that come in April… Often times we want to see signs or evidence that God exists (as if being alive and seeing another day isn’t enough); however we are reminded through the psalm that if you want to observe the glory of the Lord, look around you… 
The psalmist informs us today that even though this world seems to be drenched in sin and is being held captive by the desires of the flesh God is still in the midst… When we feel like things are caving in around us, know that “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord…” (He receives the highest praise) and the firmament shows his handiwork… Even in the toughest of times, we must remember that God is at work… 

Take a moment and think about planting a seed in a garden. For days, weeks, and possibly months we see nothing... The interesting thing is that we don’t know what takes place throughout the time that the seed has been planted because we can’t see it… God works just like the seeds we plant every year… We must learn to expect the harvest, but more importantly, believe that God is working behind the scenes when we can’t see anything happening… The vines that sprout from the ground are signs of things to come; however, we must wait several weeks before we see this event take place… Be patient in knowing that the vine of your deliverance will sprout, it might take a day, a week, or even a year, but we must know that the signs of the seasons are signs of things to come for us… The firmament is His creation; God is there when the flowers bloom in May, He is there when the sun sets and the rainbows shine brightly after the rain! He has never left your side; He is standing in the middle and showing you His goodness by using the things that He created on this earth…In everything that you see, God will make sure that He is present; when you fall He won’t let you fall too far, and when you are bruised He makes sure that you heal completely and aren’t left with open wounds… No matter where you are, God is there… Day by day He is there; night after night He is there… This is a powerful verse to remember and encourages us to know that in all things (good and bad) God is in the midst and will see you through… 

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