Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Be Strong And Of Good Courage

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9

The faith which you confess through your mouth is best displayed in your actions and ability to trust the Lord despite the situation or what others may think… Joshua was faced with a daunting task, one that literally called for him to display His faith instead of simply professing it as he did in the 14th chapter of Numbers regarding the land that the Lord was going to give to His children… In this life, you are guaranteed to endure various situations and the message for today is that you must be strong and of a good courage… There are so many circumstances that plant seeds of fear, doubt, and despair in our lives; so many situations that cause us to second guess our decision and oftentimes end up delaying our advancement in the knowledge and kingdom of God… Joshua was tasked to lead the rebellious children of God and the only message that was given was a message that God would be with him… He was charged to stand firm in the will of God, to not become frustrated with the task at hand or to become distracted by all the other variables that would lead to leaving the goals set by the Lord unaccomplished… The same message Joshua received is the same message that you have today which is that God will be with you. Don’t get it twisted, this doesn’t mean that you won’t endure or go through tough times, it doesn’t mean that you will not be subjected to trials and tribulations, what it means is that God will always be with you as you go through your trying time and season… 

The enemy has you defeated when you are not prepared for the curve ball that life will throw at you; Satan has you right where he wants you when you are not vigilant as to the changeup that is about to come in your life… Joshua was being groomed for this moment without even knowing that in the blink of an eye, he would have over a million people looking to him for direction… Everything in your life that you endure is preparing you for something; learn the lesson, take notes, and be vigilant for the test that is coming… Your faith will be tested, your trust in God will be tested, your relationship with the Lord will be tested… This test is inevitable, there is nothing you can do to avoid it, nothing you can do to get around it, the charge for you today is to embrace your test and be not afraid… Don't be discouraged when you go through, the word of God tells us countless times that we will endure; there is no secret to the suffering that a child of God will face; however, there is a way to handle it and defeat the snares of the enemy and that is by reminding ourselves daily that God is with us whithersoever thou goest… Remind yourself that God has not left you, remind your household that God is still near, and remind them that growing pains are in fact painful, but the end results will be well worth the struggle… 


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