Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Don't Indulge In Nonsense

For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

Proverbs 1:32-33
Temptation is at every turn of our head… There are so many people that we encounter on a daily basis that simply do not have our best interest at heart and today we are reminded of the importance of having a sober mind and steady focus on the Lord… As I read the opening portion of this scripture which says, “For the turning away of the simple shall slay them…” I immediately begin to think about Lot (in the book of Genesis) leaving his home at the command of God and how his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt… The entrapment of Lot’s wife was founded on the hills of her focusing on the past while God was leading them to a new home and future… The simple things in life are often the hardest things to overcome and let go of… Success (making money), an addiction or even a relationship all pose major problems in our lives; however, we are reminded today that when we fall victim to seeing someone’s success, pick up a beer based on the suggestion of someone or become envious of a relationship we have allowed these simple devices to ruin us and ultimately slay us… In understanding the word simple that is used in today's passage, I come to the conclusion that the matters that will affect you the most and deter your growth in the Lord are the simple matters that are allowed to fester in your life… Arguing with your spouse about matters which can be rectified can be a simple thing that grows to something larger and ends in divorce if not handled correctly… As the word of God says, you have to be faithful over a few things… Don’t allow small matters to occupy huge chunks of your time; don’t allow the worldly prosperity of fools to destroy you… 

You have to know that the places you dwell in today may not be the green pastures you think exist on the other side; however, you must stand in faith knowing that God is and that God can do anything but fail… You are where you are for a reason and a season; don’t get caught up in what appears pleasing to the eye (it could be damaging to the soul)… We all have heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” today; let us apply this in our Christian walk… Solomon gives important advice today as to how we are to handle situations or opportunities that arise in our lives… If you are motivated by earthly gains and prosperity then you are not motivated by the love of Christ and His offering on the cross; likewise, when you are motivated by God you live a Godly life that is acceptable in His sight… The way to find out what kind of life you are living is to simply look at how you conduct yourself in your everyday affairs… Hosea 4:6 records “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Not knowing the God you serve in the most adverse situation will allow the enemy to control you at your weakest and lowest point… We are dying because we do not know God, we are not motivated by His love, and we aren’t walking according to His calling… Solomon goes on to say “the prosperity of fools shall destroy them…”It’s so easy for us to get caught up in what someone else has or a level of success that we think someone else has achieved… However, as a child of God we must know that we seek a crown that is incorruptible, a mansion that will never fade a way and a life that will never end… We must remember that we will be tempted and their will be many things that will come in to our lives which may lead us to question the path we are currently on; however, we must stay the course, deny the desire to try an easier path and hold to God’s unchanging hand… 

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