Tuesday, September 30, 2014

You're Proof God Exist

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.  There is no speech nor language, where there voice is not heard.
Psalm 19:1
Even though you may have times in your life where you think God is not near you; today’s focus verse reminds us that the things we see on a daily basis show the very presences of God… Take time throughout your day when the enemy has you down and see the beauty of this earth which is the very hand of God at work… Make it a point today to take notice of the trees and flowers; take a moment to hear the birds chirping and the winds blowing… Sometimes in life you don’t have to necessarily feel the presences of God directly in your life to know that He is still there… This statement is what summarizes the very meaning and thought of this verse… The heavens and the earth display the omnipresence of God… He is with you, He is standing by you and He is all around you… The splendor and magnificence of God is seen every day of our lives… The beauty of His holiness can be found in the very flowers that bloom in May or the showers that come in April… Often times we want to see signs of evidence that God exist (as if being alive and seeing another day isn’t enough); however we are reminded through the psalm that if you want to observe the glory of the Lord, look around you… The psalmist informs us today that even though this world seems to be drenched in sin and is being held captive by the desires of the flesh that God is still in the midst… When we feel like things are caving in around us know that “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord…” (He receives the highest praise) and the firmament shows his handiwork… Even in the toughest of times, we must remember that God is at work… When we plant a seed we expect that in the time of harvest it will sprout… 

The interesting thing is that we don’t know what takes place throughout the time that the seed has been planted because we can’t see it… God works just like the seeds we plant every year… We must learn to expect the harvest, but more importantly believe that God is working behind the scenes when we can’t see anything happening… The vines that sprout from the ground are signs of things to come; however we must wait several weeks before we see this event take place… Be patient in knowing that the vine of your deliverance will sprout, it might take a day, a week or even a year but we must know that the signs of the seasons are signs of things to come for us… The firmament is His creation; God is there when the flowers bloom in May, He is there when the sun sets and the rainbows shine bright after the rain! He has never left your side; He is standing in the midst and showing you His goodness by using the things that He created on this earth…In everything that you see, God will make sure that He is present; when you fall He won’t let you fall too far, and when you are bruised He makes sure that you heal completely and aren’t left with open wounds… No matter where you are God is there… Day by day He is there; night after night He is there… This is a powerful verse to remember and a (n) encouragement to know that in all things (good and bad) God is in the midst and will see you through… Every day you cry is another day that God will raise the sun upon your life, your tears can be transformed to joy; your darkness can become light (just look at the heavens and things around you)… I know that it’s hard and at times seems impossible to run this race, but we must remember that day after day we must speak His name into every situation, plead the blood of Jesus over every obstacle you face, every trial that comes your way and every circumstance that becomes a load to carry… 

The psalmist says, “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.  There is no speech nor language, where there voice is not heard.” In every aspect of life, God can bee seen… He spoke light into existence upon this earth and placed the stars in the sky… This same God has the power to hear your faintest cry and lead you to a higher place… The last part of this verse tells us that his voice is heard everywhere… This is good news for those who are lost or confused, when we pray and turn situations over to God, He can speak and through His voices souls can be reached and lives can be saved… Days come and days go, but God reminds by our side… At night, know that He hears your faintest cry and that He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek him… Sure, there are days of despair and pain, but when we speak His name, and know that when we lay down it is in His hands He will show up in such a powerful way that we will arise giving Him the praise… He shows you through His creation that He cares, and He continues to show us signs that He has not lost sight of His children… Continue to pray, continue to fast, continue to seek Him, but most importantly OPEN YOUR EYES and look at what He has already done! See the positive in your life and stop hinging on the negative… The heavens declare the glory of God, all creation will come to know the awesomeness of God, and all mankind will come to know the almighty and sovereign Lord… If you cry to the Lord He hears you, He knows where you are and feels your pain… Nothing of this world will overcome the love He has for you… Keep the faith; knowing God doesn’t make mistakes and has you in the palm of His hand…

Monday, September 29, 2014

Christ Sits On The Judgment Seat

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

2 Corinthians 5:10

No matter what you do (good or bad), no matter how much you lock away in your heart or secret closet; the word of God reminds us today that we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ… This should provide cause for concern for the unbeliever; however, this statement should also provide encouragement to the man or woman of faith who knows that they will stand before the Lord knowing that they have walked in His will and not the views or opinions of this world… There are things done in the dark that will come to light, there are situations that have been suppressed which will rise again and the notion to think that you can or have gotten over is simply foolish and a device used by the enemy which many fall victim to… This message today is not to say that you have to be perfect; this message is to remind you that your focus and the motivation of your heart which led to actions must be founded upon the directive and promises of God… This is why David can be called a man after God’s own heart; this is the reason why Moses can be seen on the mount of transfiguration and the same reason why Peter could preach and point 3,000 souls to Christ after denying Him… We can try to cover up things for our entire lives, we can try to pull the wool over many peoples eyes and may even been successful in deceiving some; however, we are reminded today through Paul’s letter to the church of Corinth that God not only knows and sees all, but that we will be judged by the things we do on this earth as well… 

This passage is not one to fear; however, it is one that should cause us to examine our lives and focus our attention on being the person that we were created to be in Christ… We all make mistakes, we all sin and continue to fall short, but I am thankful that God not only looks beyond our faults, but that He can see the heart that we have… Don’t confuse this statement and think that its okay for us to walk in sin, in reading this passage it informs me that we must have a heart and desire to turn from sin and be the beacon light that we are to be… God will judge us and He will weigh the decisions that we have made along with the desires that lie within… David took another mans wife and slept with her, in the end he was called a man after God’s own heart… This wasn’t because of the sin he committed, but because the heart for God that he had… Just like David we fall short, but what desires lie within you? These are the things that will motivate you to correct your wrong, overcome your mistakes and seek to live according to the will of God… Accountability is the driving force behind Paul’s second letter to the Church of Corinth… We all have heard the saying, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink…” Paul reminds us today that we have been afforded a (n) opportunity to live a life according to God’s will; however, the choice is up to us whether we will or we will not… Regardless of the decision you make or have made, one thing is for sure and that is that we all will stand before the Lord… The bible tells us in Romans that we all have fallen short of the glory of God; every man and every woman has entered this world as sinners and made mistakes along the way… We have made decisions that we regret and have gone to bed many nights trying to undo choices that we made… Understand that we all have slipped here and there; however, the importance of today’s scripture is to know that we will all stand before God in judgment… 

This concept is not a bad thing, but rather an opportunity for us to understand that it is not about the decisions we make, but rather about how we deal with bad choices! Jesus knows that we have fallen short; He knows that we have made mistakes, but He is judging the content of your heart and how you seek resolution for problems… Again, remember that God called David “…a man after his own heart…” He saw David’s flaws; He knew and noticed David’s bad choices, but He still called him a man after my own heart… David choices were bad, but he learned from them and made good out of them… David killed a (n) innocent man, stole his wife and even disobeyed God, but look at the reaction of David through his psalms, look at how he fell prostrate before the Lord… David refused to eat, he refused to ignore his mistakes and pains and came to terms with the death of his son (whom God took from him)… As soon as David received word that his son was dead, the bible says that he got up and went into the temple of the Lord! David meant well (even when he messed up and fell short), he was after God’s own heart because he desired to do right, he desired to do better, he was seeking God through his life and suffered some bruises along the way… In the end he too will stand before God and will give an account for all that he has done! Judgment isn’t a bad thing, if you know that you have made some mistakes but are seeking to uplift the kingdom of God with your life and heart… Today’s scripture says we will be judged whether good or bad… Bad things will come, bad choice will be made; however, the key is to make sure your good outweighs your bad!

Erma Bombeck said it best; “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me…"


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Don't Indulge In Nonsense

For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Proverbs 1:32-33
Temptation is at every turn or our head… There are so many people that we encounter on a daily basis that simply do not have our best interest at heart and today we are reminded of the importance of having a sober mind and steady focus on the Lord… As I read the opening portion of this scripture which says, “For the turning away of the simple shall slay them…” I immediately begin to think about Lot (in the book of Genesis) leaving his home at the command of God and how his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt… The entrapment of Lot’s wife was founded on the hills of her focusing on the past while God was leading them to a new home and future… The simple things in life are often the hardest things to overcome and let go of… Success (making money), an addiction or even a relationship all pose major problems in our lives; however, we are reminded today that when we fall victim to seeing someone’s success, pick up a beer based on the suggestion of someone or become envious of a relationship we have allowed these simple devices to ruin us and ultimately slay us… In understanding the word simple used in the passage taken from the book of Proverbs I come to the conclusion that the matters that will affect you the most and deter your growth in the Lord are the simple matters that are allowed to fester in your life instead of being handled in a mature manner at the time of their conception… Arguing with your spouse about matters which can be rectified can be a simple thing which grows to something larger and ends in divorce if not handled correctly… As the word of God says, you have to be faithful over a few things… Don’t allow small matters to occupy huge chunks of your time; don’t allow worldly prosperity of fools to destroy you… Turn from those fleshly and lustful desires; the more you see and feel tempted to chase after vainglory is the more that you need to run from it and hearken unto the Lord… Not every door is for you to venture through, not every path laid before you is of God and you must abide in Him so that He can write the vision and make it plain…  

You have to know that the pastures you dwell in today may not be the green pastures you think exist on the other side; however, you must stand in faith knowing that God is and that God can do anything but fail… You are where you are for a reason and a seasons; don’t get caught up in what appears pleasing to the eye (it could be damaging to the soul)… We all have heard the saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover” today; let us apply this in our Christian walk… Solomon gives important advice today as to how we are to handle situations or opportunities that arise in our lives… There are so many people that we come across that are in need, they are in need of financial assistance, they are in need or prayer and they are in need of a relationship with Christ… We view this people in our lives as a situation or something that happened on one of our days journeys; however, I refer to all these examples as opportunities… When you are faced with a person in need, this is an opportunity for you to share Christ power, faithfulness and love to that person or individual… Solomon tells us that “the turning away of the simple shall slay them…” When we turn away from these opportunities we slay ourselves by denying Christ to move in our lives and impact the lives of others through us… Solomon was given the title of the wisest man to ever live... Today he gives us reasons for his wisdom when it comes to living according to the word and will of God… So many of us have turned away from God, we have set our eyes on things of this earth and have lost focus of the bigger picture at hand… Solomon reminds us today that we perish not because of mistakes, but because we have set our minds and chased after the wrong things… Every situation you face in life presents you a choice and Solomon calls for us to recognize on today that when we make choices that turn us away from God we will end up perishing… If you are motivated by earthly gains and prosperity than you are not motivated by the love of Christ and His offering on the cross; likewise, when you are motivated by God you live a Godly life that is acceptable in His sight… The way to find out what kind of life you are living is to simply look at how you conduct yourself in your everyday affairs… Hosea 4:6 records that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Not knowing the God you server in the most adverse situation will allow the enemy to control you at your weakest and lowest point… 

We are dying because we do not know God, we are not motivated by His love, and we aren’t walking according to His calling… Solomon goes on to say “the prosperity of fools shall destroy them…”It’s so easy for us to get caught up in what someone else has or a level of success that we think someone else has achieved… However, as a child of God we must know that we seek a crown that is incorruptible, a mansion that will never fade a way and a life that will never end… We must remember that we will be tempted and their will be many things that will come in to our lives which may lead us to question the path we are currently on; however, we must stay the course, deny the desire to try a (n) easier path and hold to God’s unchanging hand… Proverbs 16:25 says, “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” When things seem right to you and God is not the center you need to recheck your ways… When things seem right and you know God is not pleased you need to take a step back… The bible tells us that those who walk according to their own desires will succumb to them; however, we are promised to overcome when we walk with God as our head… “But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quit from fear of evil…” God promises your protection, He promises your safety and He promises your deliverance… This is a two-way street; you must hearken unto Him… You must turn to Him, you must adhere to Him, and you must abide according to His will and plan for your life… Even the richest men shall perish; the most prosperous shall be in want if they are not under the guidance of Jesus Christ… All those of this world shall perish when the Day of Judgment comes, all those living according to this world shall be cast into the pits of hell and never know the true prosperity that comes from God… You must fight the good fight, keep the faith and finish the race… Knowing that your work is not in vain when it is in the Lord…

Saturday, September 27, 2014

We Are Justified And Blessed Through Him

And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, in thee shall all nations be blessed.

Galatians 3:8

No matter the situation or how drastic the circumstance may appear to be; today’s focus verse reminds us that it’s not too late for the wayward soul, there is still time for the one who is lost to be found and a ray of hope for the one who so many have wrote off… The word of God can redirect the paths of whoever comes in contact with it and the grace of God can justify any man no matter their prior history… In reading this verse, it is vital that we understand and know that we can only be justified by faith… There is no deed or process which you can complete to have your name recorded in the book of life and be assured that heaven is your Eternal resting place… The things you deserve to receive are not the things that you desire to receive; however, through your acceptance of the blood which Jesus shed on Calvary, you have a door opened unto you where the things you desire can actually be manifested in your life… This is how you can gain the things you desire (not because you deserve them), but because you are justified by Christ to receive them… Abraham was promised by God to be the father of many nations; however, up until he turned 100 years of age his wife Sarah was barren… In believing that the promise would not be fulfilled, Abraham took the advice of his wife and had a child with her maidservant… This was not the child promised to Abraham and led to a seed of bitterness to take root within the heart of his wife Sarah… The point of summarizing this message today is to say that we must stand on the promises of God and know that He is only one who can bring them into fruition…  We must come to a point in our lives where we firmly believe and trust in the Lord… So many of us have claimed to be Disciples of Christ, but we allow other things or circumstances to “Lord” over us… 

The bible tells us that “without faith it’s impossible to please God…”Going to church isn’t enough, paying your tithes and offerings isn’t enough, praying every now and then isn’t enough; however, trusting that God doesn’t make mistakes, believing that He is the great I am and having complete confidence that He is the way is enough… We all have fallen short, we all have made mistakes and we all have a reservation for hell as soon as we exit our mother’s womb; however Paul writes to the church of Galatia teaching them about the promise that God has made for all those who walk by faith… Paul says, “…preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, in thee shall all nations be blessed…” We must have the word in us and developing in our lives in order to reach the levels and points that God has ordained for us… Our faith must be present, but its presence can only be found through the word of God… The bible says that “faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God…” How can you have faith if you don’t study and apply the word of God in your life…? How can you have faith if you aren’t walking in the will of the Lord nor staying active in your fellowship with His people…? We must be clear in understanding that faith is a (n) action word… This is why James says that “faith, if not accompanied by works is dead…” It’s also why He said, “show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by what I do…” You can’t proclaim faith by mere words, but actions… Paul wants us to understand today that we are justified by faith, to be justified means that we are accepted or vindicated… The penalty of sin has been removed when we are walking in faith, the sentence of death placed upon our heads has been overturned when we walk by faith and this only can come to fruition when we find ourselves in total devotion to the will of God by studying, learning and applying His word…God made a promise to Abraham that “in thee shall all nations be blessed…” Abraham was a man that followed the will of God by faith… 

At the age of 75 he set out from Haran to the land of Canaan and was placed in the territory of the enemy which forced him to totally rely upon the Lord… We know that God promised him a son and through trying to assist God by sleeping with his wife’s maidservant he suffered some trials and tribulations… We look at the story of Abraham to understand today that God has indeed made a promise; we can be justified by our faith in Him… Just like Abraham, we must allow God to lead us according to His will and not try to assist along the way… When we try to take matters into our own hands we no longer are walking by faith, but rather giving in to the pressures and temptations what we are currently facing… The seed of Abraham was provided by God’s allowance for His wife Sarah to have a son… Sarah was barren for 90 years, so we know that this seed came from the Lords grace and mercy… This is the same grace and mercy which was bestowed upon us, the same grace and mercy that has kept us and the same grace and mercy that calls for us to have faith in the only one who is faithful and continues to open up doors and make ways out of know way… To be the seed of Abraham we must believe that Jesus is Lord. We will be justified through faith; God is telling us that if we believe and hold onto His promise, than we shall be blessed. It doesn’t mean hold on to Him in times of trouble, but through ups and downs continue to let your FAITH soar. We will be tested and tried each and every day of our lives, but know that God is justifying your claim to the thrown and to be heirs with Christ by the testing of your FAITH… So go on and press forward for your prize, knowing that when Jesus cracks the sky, you will receive your reward in full… You will receive it not because you have done enough to deserve it, you will receive because Christ has done enough to have authority over it and if He blesses you with it then so be it… I am not justified by my actions on this earth; I am justified by the actions that Christ performed on this earth and the faith that I have in Him…


Friday, September 26, 2014

Seek His Face Continually

Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.

1 Chronicles 16:11-12

Seeking the Lord is not something that we can ever afford to grow tired of nor can we complete this journey of seeking Him while living upon this earth… There are so many things that we desire to do while we are living; however, there are quite a few things which we may never accomplish… In reading today’s focus verses I am reminded about the urgency and importance that seeking the Lord plays in our development and growth as a Christian… The bible declares that we can find the Lord when we seek Him with our whole heart; Jeremiah 29:13 says, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. This verse penned in the prophetic book of Jeremiah takes place at a point and time when the children of God were full of disobedience and rebellion… This 13thverse is preceded by the 11th verse which declares to the children of God that even though things may seem bleak; there is a plan that has been devised and will be carried about the Lord… It is in the 11th verse that we find these words, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

I recite these two verses because they speak in parallel with today’s focus verses; the Lord had a plan for the Israelites, even though they endured a lot of trials and tribulations the plan of God was a plan that would provide hope for them; however, this very plan could only be brought into existence in their desire and focus of seeking the Lord as the plan that He had for them unfolded… The times of despair in your life are the times when you need to seek Him most; these are also the times when your hurt is more vulnerable and can be given in completely… There are so many of us that have turned away from God because of the trials and obstacles that we have faced; I feel led to tell you today that your adversity is not to be seen as a hindrance but a sign which foreshadows the coming of the Lord…When you go through tings in life the enemy wants you to become fearful of the way in which things appear to be; however, in today’s verse we are reminded that these times can serve as stepping stones which will lead to your divine destiny… Don’t allow the enemy to deter you from seeking and getting to know the plans which God has for you… The enemy doesn’t want you to be what God has created you to be, so he will stop at nothing to get you to focus your attention else where… Seeking the Lord is not an easy task; however, it is the most important task that directly impacts your eternal resting place… So many of us have fallen victim to temptation and have become engulfed by snares not because we were weak, but because we became to strong within our own minds and did not put our strength and confidence in the Lord… We seek the Lord on occasion but try to handle situations on our own every now and then; we pray to God in the morning and at night; however, we neglect prayer during the day when we think we can handle the current situation on our own… These incidents provide insight into the occasional seeker and the seeker of God who utilizes his whole heart… 

I know that it’s not easy to live this Christian life in the midst of the things that we face daily… Often times we find ourselves struggling and fighting a (n) uphill battle; every mountain seems to grow as we climb and every valley seems more narrow and dark as we walk through it! Today we are encouraged to keep our faith and continue to seek the Lord! It is very easy to give up, it’s very easy to quit and forgo your spiritual destiny, but we are encouraged today to push on… How do we do that you ask… By remembering the things that God has already delivered you from… I have often heard people say that “they weren’t always saved…” and I agree with that quote because we all have fallen short, but let us keep in mind the reasons why we can say that we are saved now! It wasn’t by your doing or your hands, but by God plucking you out of your sinful ditch and placing you on the tender love of his arms… God has seen you through some trials and tribulations already; he has been your advocate when no one else believed in your ability and he has washed you and bathed you in grace and mercy! We draw our strength from God’s love and his faithfulness; we draw power from our past knowing that it was only God that saw me through and we can run this race to the end because we know that “he who hath begun a good work in us will see it through tell the end… {Philippians 1:6}” Look back and be thankful, look forward and be faithful! He has done marvellous works in your life already and he will continue to do them as long as you continue to seek Him… I believe that Isaiah says it best for those who want to find answers, “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

God Has The Final Say

But the LORD shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment. And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness.

Psalm 9:7-8

There is hope for the lost soul, there is light for the one whom has traveled the paths of darkness and there is guidance for the wondering mind… In today’s devotional, we are reminded that even though tomorrow is never promised, the endurance of the Lord is… Even in your weakest hour, you can find comfort in knowing that God is strong and that his strength will never fail nor falter…  This psalm is penned out of gratitude toward the Lords faithfulness and mercy… The truth of the matter is that we all deserved a death sentence; however, the love of God not only gave us a second chance but also gives us the opportunity to be judged in righteousness… Your past failures do not have to limit or restrict your success in the spiritual realm; the mistakes you made yesterday can serve as stepping stones tomorrow in leading you to your destiny… David declares He hath prepared his throne for judgment… I am so thankful that God is ready to judge and that He has not already judged me… Just like David, we all have made mistakes, we all have fallen short of the glory of God; however, the Lord knows that we needed a savior, we needed a fighters chance, we needed a saving grace and He bestowed that in the form of His son… When you feel like giving up, just know that He never gave up on you… Times of adversity not only display our true character, it also shows how much God has spared us and delivered us from… I say this because so many have come to actually feel entitled to question the very movement of God and His plan… Truth be told, it was His plan that destroyed the plan of the enemy for you; it was His plan that kept you and is keeping you right now… You can find joy in knowing that the Lord endures because you know that He will outlast your toughest opponent or adversary… It is to this point that David declares in the 3rd and 4th verse of this psalm, My enemies turn back;they stumble and perish before you. For you have upheld my right and my cause,sitting enthroned as the righteous judge.”  

The Lord knows that without Him we don’t stand a chance… We needed Him before we even know it and this is why He endures… Despite all the mistakes that you make, the errors you have made and the wrong choices of yesterday, the grace and mercy of God endures and He continues to open of paths that lead to a brighter tomorrow and hope for the future… David made several errors in His lifetime; however, His heart for the Lord allowed God to wipe His slate clean and keep the enemy at bay… Your hands may be filthy with all kinds of secrets, but just like we studied in Ezekiel you can be cleansed… He hath prepared his throne for judgment; there is nobody else seated on the throne but the only true and wise God… There is nobody who can make the final call on your life accept Jesus Christ and you should be thankful (if you know Him) because He will provide you all the tools and resources that you need to pass this test called life… In examining this text, I am reminded of the fact that our very being today is a privilege which was allowed by God… You did not wake up on your own, you did not have a say so in your course for the day and you did not make in through the night without incident because of your security or locked doors… God has upheld you, He has paved the way for you and he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness… There is only One who shall endure tell the end… Everyone you know will pass away, everything you take joy in shall become old and day by day your society will change… The bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; our hope and perseverance derives from knowing that Christ will always be there… To know His throne is prepared for judgment assures us that all will stand before Him and The Lord is sure to return; Jesus will part the clouds and return for those who have endured for his name… Those that have fought the good fight and have run the race will surely see Him fulfill His promises! So many people live as if God is not real or as if He will not return; but today we are reminded that judgment is coming; we are told that the Lord will endure… 

To endure is to suffer, tolerate and last; God suffered on the cross, He has tolerated all the sins that we have committed and in the end He will stand on this earth and all things of this earth shall perish! This is not to scare anybody nor for you to become fearful… These words should be encouraging to our Christian walk knowing and understanding that Christ INDEED will return and will repay all evil on this earth…The fact that Christ will return lets us know that our judgment is coming… We will stand before his throne and hear Him say “well done;” we will hear Him say “enter in,” we will hear Him say “this peace I give unto you!” You will find rest when Christ returns, your weeping will end when judgment is rendered and you will be enclosed in God loves arms for all eternity… The psalmist is anxious about Christ return because he sees the deeds of his fellowman, he knows how much has been hurdle upon him and how many obstacles he has had to face… We too know how many storms have come knocking on our door; we have stared misfortune in the face and have bore witness to the dark clouds of depression being cast over our households… Through this pain and suffering we are enduring just as the Lord endured… We are being refined just as he was on the cross and soon we will be walking the streets of gold where sin will be no more and joy will flood the streets all day long! God will stand to judge everything man according to the work he has done… Take pride in knowing that your work in the Lord is not in vain; take pride in knowing that God will minister judgment and that you will we called one of His own… You shall be lifted up, you shall be white as snow, you sins’ shall be blotted out and you will be caught up to meet Him in the clouds when He returns… Those who have are guilty of a crime hate hearing their judgment; however, those in Christ welcome it with open arms knowing that this judgment will allow us to be with Him forever more!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God Is A Refuge For Us

In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.
Psalm 62:7-8
Stop trying to turn to others when you feel down and discouraged; stop looking to those closest to you for a support and encouragement that only God can give… Today’s message reminds you to live the faith you proclaim verbally on Sunday’s and stop faltering when you face a difficult time along this journey… David pens this Psalm out of the depths of his heart having come to the realization that there is nothing of this earth which can sooth the pain or fill the void felt in times of trouble… Even though doors may appear to be open before you and the grass may appear to be better on the other side; David declares,“In God is my salvation and my glory…” This message today is one that we should and need to apply to our lives, we have to have the faith to declare that God is my salvation, He is my deliverance, He is my rescue and My escape… The Lord is my glory; He is my beauty, my grandeur and my splendor… Everything that I need will indeed come from Him and even though I may not be where I want to be, I can thank and praise God that I am exactly where He desire me to be right now… 

The enemy will place doors before you in the hopes that you will not stand still and know that God is God… I am a firm believer that not every door place before you is of God and therefore not everything that looks like a new way is meant for you to travel… When we look to others often times where hear things that will lead us to consider other ways and paths; we become focused on finding a solution instead of declaring that God is our solution… The words of man will never produce the ways of God because they are coming from the thought so man and not the thoughts of God… The thoughts of man and the perception of man is what led David to the series of sins which he committed against God… It was the perception of things around him which led him to flee and land right in the land of the enemy… In knowing all that David did and encountered, I am compelled to tell you today that you can stop searching high and low, you can stop going from place to place and you can stop trying to find your answers on and in this earth… Again, the psalmist tells us today that “In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.” All the answers you seek can be found above, you can stop going from place to place and enter into His courts, and you can stop searching high and low and focus your attention on the “Great I Am…” No matter where you are right now or what you are doing; no matter how dim things may appear or how many storms have raged in your life, we are reminded by the psalmist that we have a (n) avenue to obtain comfort and protection… Today’s message is to simply encourage you to know and understand that you always have a friend! When the storms of life are raging and peace is not visible; you have a friend… 

When your friends are few and far between and you are crying in the midnight hour; you still do have a friend! When people hurl insults upon you and seek to disgrace your name; you have a friend… David reminds us today that we have a friend that we can always talk too, we have a buddy that is always there and ready to listen and that we can “trust in Him at all times”, we can pour our heart out to Him… How many people in your life can you really pour your heart out too? How many people in your life can you trust that they won’t hurt you or abandon you in your weakest hour…? David tells us today that there is only one such friend… David says “In God is my salvation…” So many of us have put confidence in man even though the bible tells us that we should not do that… We have allowed hopes and dreams to become afterthoughts and nightmares because we have not placed our focus and cares upon the will of God… David had seen trials and tribulations; he had fled the hand of a supposed friend (Saul) and camped in the land of his enemies (Philistines)… A lot of times when we take refuge in a friend or something other than God we put ourselves in danger and end up worse than we were before…Once David outlines the fact that God is my salvation, my glory, my rock, my strength and my refuge; he goes on to say that we must “Trust in him at all times…” So of we put our trust in things we can see or things that seem right to us… David is speaking from experience today and telling us that we must trust in Him… Stop putting confidence in your job, it can be gone tomorrow, stop putting confidence in your friend, they can sell you out or turn their backs on you… 

Not only must we trust Him but we must do it “at all times…” David lost his firstborn of Bathsheba and was in mourning while the child was sick, we go through trials and tribulations in life, we experience ups and downs, hills and valleys, highs and lows and through it all we are called to trust in Him… When things don’t make sense you have to continue to trust God instead of trying to devise your own plan or seeking worldly help… The bible says that the one who puts their trust in the Lord is like a man that built his house on a solid foundation… It is important that the dreams you have and the heights that you want to reach or built upon the word of God… It’s important that God is “the rock of your strength…” Know that all things in this life will pass away, friends will come and go, relationships will end and life will be filled with twist and turns… David says his strength is drawn from Him, his refuge is in God! Where do we run too when we are down and in despair? Where do we draw our strength for the journey? David tried to trust his friends and it ultimately led him to the camp of the enemy. Some of us are in the camp of the enemy now, we have retreated to bad habits and bad lifestyles; we have returned to old ways and are currently trying to deal with things the way WE know how… We must put our trust in the Lord; we must hold to His hand, we must know that He will be there right on time! In God is my salvation, it is through Him I am free, through Him I find peace for my weary body and have a chance at eternal life… Stop trying to do things on your own, put your trust and confidence in the Lord! Clevant Derricks had it right when he wrote the lyrics… “Tell Him all about your struggles, He will hear your faintest cry and He will answer by and by… I feel a little prayer wheel turning and I know a little fire is burning! JUST A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS MAKES IT RIGHT!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

He Will Cleanse You

Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

Ezekiel 36:25

The love of God is made evident in today’s passage taken from the prophetic book of Ezekiel… This verse comes at a time in point where the Israelites have been scattered throughout the country and word has been seen through the lips of Ezekiel to inform them that their restoration back to their own respective land and to God has been assured… Throughout the ups and downs that you experience in this life, through all the twist and turns that you endure, remember that you will be restored and reclaimed in and through the exaltation of the Lord… We don’t’ know how to handle success and the Lord knows that often times we become defiant and disobedient when we experience a small measure of it… This is and was the case with the children of God; they had become disobedient to His commands after dwelling in their Promise Land; despite the corrective measures that God had to use, He informs them that they will return to prominence… There are things that are taking place in your life not to harm or to defile you, but actually to take you back to your place of prominence in the Lord…God desires to exalt you so that you can exalt Him… The message for today is that God has a plan, He has a purpose and there is a method to the madness… You may not understand everything at the present time and there are some things which simply are not meant for you to understand; however, the reality is that in abiding in His will you will be victorious… The things written of in this chapter speak to the actions that the Lord Himself will take in dealing with His people… This is why He says in the 24th verse of this chapter, For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land.” God has the ability to reach you wherever you are… No matter how far you have fallen, no matter how many mistakes you have made or even the depth or severity of your actions, we are reminded through the prophet Ezekiel that we are never out of the masters reach… This passage is written to the House of Israel at a time of bondage and despair… The warning was that disaster would come; captivity was immanent, but God wanted them to know that there was light at the end of the tunnel… The House of Israel would be renewed… 

Likewise today, know that even in your current situation, even in your current circumstance, even in your current hardship, you house will be renewed… God will “sprinkle clean water upon you…” Water represents life in the Bible; God will give you a clean slate, a new life, a new direction, a new path and a new vision… He will wipe the pain and tears of yesterday from you eyes and clothe you in his goodness and mercy… We must remember this fact today, the fact is that we enter this world as sinners and if we are not cleansed by the “clean water” of God we will leave the same way… Ezekiel reminds us today that without God we are filthy rags that will never be clean… In order to be cleansed the first step one must take is to know that you are in fact dirty… We must come to the realization that we all have fallen short of the glory of God, we all have made mistake and we all have been guilty of sin… God cannot cleanse us until we realize that we are in need of cleansing… Ezekiel tells us that we will be cleansed from all filthiness, and idols… Whatever is in your life that has defiled you as a person, whatever is in your life that has taken your focus and attention off God shall be removed… We can become filthy by giving in to peer pressure; we can become filthy by hanging out with the wrong kind of people… Idols are gods, statues or icons that we worship; there are many things in our lives that can become “gods” in our lives and rob us of walking according to the only true and wise God’s calling… Some of the idols that we face come in the form of relationships, fame, and fortune or even work… We strive to be so much that we allow whatever we want to be to overshadow the will and authority of our Lord and Savior… Ezekiel’s call today is for us to understand the errors of our ways, accept the mistakes we have made and turn to God to be cleansed…The word says, “Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you…” Placing the emphasis on the “then” tells me that two things have to happen… The first is that we must come to recognize who God is and what it is that we need to do in order to develop a (n) intimate relationship with Him… The second thing is that we must embrace the consequences of our actions knowing that “God disciplines those He loves…” Stop allowing your current situations to destroy your relationship with God and stop acting as if you are perfect… We must go through and achieve these two important pieces if we want to truly be cleansed… 

There are steps in this cleansing process, there is a clear define direction that we must take in order to receive this clean water… God desires to cleanse you, He desires to give you a new lease on life, He desires to right the ship that you are on and plant your feet on solid ground…. It was up to the people of Israel to turn to the Lord, the choice is yours today to turn your life over to the Lord… This clean water cast all your cares away, this clean water gives you the ability to smile in the face of adversity, this clean water makes it possible to laugh during the rain, this clean water removes all doubt and gives you the chance to be called heirs to the promise of God… God says through Ezekiel “will I cleanse you…” It doesn’t matter how far you have fallen, it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you have made, it doesn’t matter how many bad choices you have made, it doesn’t matter how many temptations you have given in too, it doesn’t matter what your current standing is… God says that if you realize the filth that has cluttered your life, if you realize the idols that have eased God out, if you realize that you are headed down the wrong path you can still be cleansed and made whole… The Israelites were in bondage and suffering, yet God says I can still cleanse you… You may be in bondage right now, you may be suffering right now, you may be hurting right now, but there is still hope for you, there is still a future for you… Turn your life over to God and allow Him to pour out His spirit (clean water) upon you that will give you a new sense of direction, a new purpose and a new outlook that will help you reach the heights of prosperity that only God can take you too…

Monday, September 22, 2014

True Love Is Unquenchable

Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.

Song of Solomon 8:7

For quite sometime I have thought that many people don’t know what the true definition of Love is… Today, through this verse taken from the Song of Solomon we are given evidence that the notion I have thought to be true really is… When someone says I love you, it doesn’t mean that they care for you or that they like you… Love comes from the core of one’s being and is a passion and desire that cannot be redirected or shut off…The bible tells us that God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us… Love transcends situations, it looks beyond faults and it appeals to the levels of ones character that are beyond the surface that we see with our natural eye… Love is the mother who continues to seek her lost child though people tell her that he or she is too far gone, love is the father that yearns for a second chance even though they keep getting rejected, love is the child that turns from wickedness and temptations and continues to fight the battle that leads them down paths of loneliness and uncertainty… When we have love for someone of something, there is nothing that can stop it or prevent it from being manifested… Paul tells us the depth and importance of love in the 13th chapter of His first letter to the Church of Corinth… If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 

In this passage we are reminded that love has to be the foundation of our actions; we cannot allow the things that we do to be derived from things that are not of love and therefore are meaningless ventures through this life… One who is full of love is priceless; this is why the verse starts off by saying that “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.” There is nothing that can stop an act or a gesture when done in love… No words can overtake it, no steps can prohibit it and no man can hinder it… As we yearn to know the fullness of life and to have joy, we must remember that love is the most critical of things which we must obtain… The bible declares that God is love and in obtaining love you obtain God... This is why it cannot be quenched, nobody can stop God and nobody will be able to stop you when you come to know Him more intimately… Look at what Jesus endured because of love (not only endured but also overcame because of love)… Likewise, when you say that you love someone, ask yourself what you are willing to endure for them or on their behalf… When you ask yourself this question you will quickly find out if you love them or if it is simply a like or lust… I know I love Christ because there is nothing that will quench my thirst for Him, I know that I love my family because nothing will wash my desire to be close to them away (getting the point)… Even though I know where I stand, when I read this verse about waters not being able to quench love I ask myself if I really indeed do love the Lord… 

We live in a world where we are faced with so many distractions, so many temptations, so many obstacles that test us and our love for Christ… We must fight, we must resist, we must overcome; not only to reach the level that God has desired and planned for us, but also to demonstrate the love that we so easily profess for Him on Sunday mornings at our Praise and Worship services… This verse goes on to tell us that “If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned…” The last piece of this verse is a message of warning and gives a powerful incite into what we must be careful of and steer clear of as it pertains to desiring to be loved or have love in our lives… Again, I go back to Paul’s first letter to the Church of Corinth and how he concludes the 13th chapter by saying, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.Love is precious and of the highest value, as I stated before, love is priceless; however, you must be careful for what you give and are willing to do to find love (referring to this earth and not God)…  We have all heard the term “looking for love in the wrong places”, and the more and more we observe our surroundings, the more we see that term becoming true. Everyone in this world wants to be loved; many of our terrorist and murders grow up in environments where genuine love did not exist. Many of our troubled teens and young adults are vulnerable and being used because of a lack of love or companionship. We must know that giving all we have to receive love is only why when we give all we have to the Lord… There are so many people who have grown up in a (n) unloving environment and so they search for love and when the find someone or something that appears to simply give them attention they sell themselves short and fully invest all they have into that person or situation… A girl who is unloved can find herself on the streets selling herself for someone who she wants to believe loves her… A son who doesn’t know love will disrespect women or join gangs to feel love… 

We all want love in our lives, but we must be careful not to desire love from the wrong places nor give all that we have to obtain it when it is not of God… Solomon reminds us here that there is nothing we can do to obtain love from someone, but in the same regard, he also reminds us that love really is blind. This passage talks about giving your wealth for love, seeking to fit in will cause you scorn and surely we can see that in our societies today. Have you ever sacrificed yourself for a relationship only to see yourself regretting your decision and losing everything? Have you ever invested so much into someone because you wanted them to appreciate and “love” you and you ended up being used and left alone…? This isn’t love, but a desire to be love that will open the door for us to be taken advantage of and used… As I stated before, we all desire to be loved, but instead of looking for love trust God to “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory…” Solomon was a man that gave into his love of women, Sampson gave into his love for Delilah, the question is; what are you selling you self short for. Love can be seen in many forms, a relationship, power, money, independence and the list can go on. Christ didn’t sell himself short, He didn’t focus on the women around Him and forget His task, He didn’t focus on the finer things in life and forget His mission. However, He endured the mocking, He persevered through the beatings, He embraced the ridicule, He suffered on the cross and He gave His live for you… That’s the true definition of LOVE!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Be Christ-Like

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:1-4

The first verse of today’s devotion starts off with a series of conditional statements; Paul writes to the Church of Philippi regarding their relationship with and growth in the Lord… The conditional statements written above reflect the makeup that must be present in the body or image of a child of God; understand today that being a child of God is not something that is proclaimed verbally; in walking under the leadership of our Father we are called to demonstrate our love and faith in Him by the things which we partake in daily… Ifyou are a child of God than you will demonstrate these things; in the midst of uncertainty and danger you will have encouragement from the relationship that you have formed with Christ; despite the things that you are dealing with and the times of loneliness that you may endure, you have comfort from His love and fellowship with the Spirit… No matter what seen or unseen dangers that come your way, you have a stable atmosphere and mindset which is totally focused and dependent on the Lord… In reading this passage, it brings to light the fact that adversity and trials display the true depth of the relationship a person has with the Lord or how much their relationship truly is lacking… The bible declares that suffering, persecutions, trials and tribulations are a vital part of growth and maturation; however, I am also of the mindset that these things are vital to displaying our faith or the areas of our lives that still need work… If you become so bogged down with bad news that it keeps you from being encouraged in Christ you need to check the depth of your relationship in Him… If you feel so lonely that you run from house to house or bed to bed, you need to check your desire for love verses lust, if you find yourself constantly being surrounded by the wrong kind of people, you need to check your fellowship with the Spirit… In Jesus you can have abundant happiness and joy; this is why Paul says then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love… Jesus laid down His life and took on all insults, mocks and ridicule without mumbling a single word… We have the greatest demonstration of faith when Jesus gave up the ghost trusting that His Father would raise Him from the dead… The things of this earth could not shake Him because His life was a testimony to the love of God and the faithfulness that will be displayed when we walk in faith… 

This is why Jesus cried out from the cross and the bible says that an onlooker came to the conclusion that surely He was the son of God… When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God!" The things that you endure will not overtake you in Christ, they may be uncomfortable to endure; however, they will not cause you to neglect your ministry… As a matter of fact, when you are walking in the will of God the most trying time become the most impactful times in others lives… Your greatest sermon, your greatest teaching moment, your greatest proclamation of Jesus Christ is the scars that you have from the battles that you have fought… The disciples were scared and hiding; however, they begin to preach with confidence seeing the very image and scars of Jesus… You have to have a confidence that you will make it through simply because of who you serve… You cannot allow the enemy to toy with your mind and get you to start becoming frustrated and complaining about situations and circumstances… This is why Paul continues on and says being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit… Your purpose is to serve the Lord and this requires a total submission to Him… You come into this world worrying about me, myself and I; however, you must leave this world focused on the Lord and extending a helping hand to others… This life is about progression and preparation… You must make progress in knowing the Lord and completing the work assigned to you; you must continue through the ups and downs of life knowing that you are being prepared for the next stage and phase of this life and the one to come… 

As a child of God you have to have a desire to reach new heights everyday, the people who can get on your nerves today should not be able to pluck your nerves tomorrow when you are in Christ and are like-minded… The storms that have you running for shelter today will not deviate you from the divine plan and will of God tomorrow when you are growing daily in Him… There should be signs of your growth in Christ, there should be signs of your maturation and the things which were snares today should be in the process of becoming stepping stones for tomorrow… Again, all these conditional statements in the first verse today reflect the posture and stature a child of God will continue to strive for… The word God calls for us to let our light shine in the gospel of Matthew chapter 5 and verse 16; In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. This simple means that you cannot conceal your light to yourself, you cannot be focused on yourself and you cannot be timid when surrounded by darkness… There are people around you who cannot see and your light will not only provide direction for you, but will lead a multitude of people to Christ in the process… It’s not about you, but it about you helping; this is why Paul concludes by saying, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Saturday, September 20, 2014

There's Only One Lord

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

When we experience success and deliverance it is very easy for us to forget about who paved the way or even the assistance that we had in overcoming… This passage of scripture is written at a time when the Israelites are on the very cusp of the Promise Land; they have experienced the very presences of God being with them as a cloud by day and fire by nigh; they were given a front seat to observe God’s powerful hand in their exodus from Egypt as well as the annihilation of the Egyptians under Pharaoh in the Red Sea… Through all this, in times of peace and comfort the children begin to complain and become disobedient… God is prepared to bless them; however, this blessing is not to be misunderstood and taken without a devotion and love toward Him… So often we can go to God in prayer about situations; however, we forget about Him when He shows up and shows out… You must be careful today that you remain humble in the modest times as well as the abundant times; you must remember to display humility in depressed states as well as delivered states, you have to be on guard that your prayer life in strong when in bondage as well as when you are freed… This is why Moses starts this chapter in his fifth book of the law by saying, “These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.” 

The Israelites were given commands from God to obey and observe; these perimeters were put in place to govern them and keep them on the straight and narrow… Lord knows we need to be governed especially when we experience a blessing and a new season… The Lord knew that His children would go astray, He know that His sheep would wonder off if not given structure and order before being given the keys to a new life… This same principle applies to us as well, you must have the foundation of who God is instilled in you before you can have the house built and furnish the home… Just like the Israelites, you have been given commands to follow and adhere too; these commands are not to be discarded when you take over your land flowing with milk and honey… This is what happened through the 40 years in the wilderness under the leadership of Moses… The children were delivered one day and disobeying and complaining the next; they were given the things they needed one day and upset about not getting what they wanted the next… No matter what happens in your life or what transpires from day to day, you have to remain under the leadership of God knowing that the Lord our God is one Lord… Even when you feel betrayed (as crazy as that may sound), know that you deliverance, abundance and divine direct are found and produced through your love for God… This is why Moses goes on to say that you must not only know that God is one Lord but that thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might… We just looked the importance of love a few devotions ago and how it is love that covers a multitude of sins… You will not obey the commands of God, you will not observe His laws and decrees, you will not adhere to His desires if you do not love Him… 

With love there is a devotion and desire; when you love God you give Him your all (heart, soul and might) while also doing the very things He asks of you… Today’s message teaches us to stay focused and don’t allow ourselves to be distracted by the way things appear to be or the things we don’t have that we want… Stay true to the Lord and don’t allow yourself to be persuaded to think otherwise or believe in something else when things are not done according to your desires… There are many religions in the world, many different claims and thoughts; however, we are told in the scriptures today that there is only one Lord… We are called to hear, to understand, to realize and to listen… So many people get caught up in the wrong things, serving idols and other lords, but we are called today to know that when everything else fails and all the dust settles, there is only One Lord who reigns over all… The God that I serve is not made of gold; He is not formed through a fire, or molded by a potter. The God that I serve has been here before the beginning of time and surely will remain when time has run out. The God I serve stretched out his hand to his children through his son Jesus Christ and allowed us a second chance. The God I serve has the power to deliver, heal, and strength all that come before Him in humility. I serve a living God, one who is here, there, and everywhere; a God that is the same yesterday, today, and forever. My God has tasted death through His son, but has also brought life through the same, He spoke this world into existence, created man from the dust of the ground and has vowed to return to receive His children and take them to His home in glory. My Lord is one God, not Allah, not Baal, not an Asherah Pole, but a wonderful counselor, a prince of peace, the great I am; that is my God. If you understand who this God is that I am talking about, the same one that has brought you through seen and unseen dangerous, the same one that has brought you through the dark days and sleepless nights, if you know this God; the one who vowed to never leave you nor forsake you, the one who has always been your friend and comforter, your shield and buckler. If you know this God, then you can agree with this passage taken from Deuteronomy the 6th chapter and Love Him with all your heart, soul and might, because He is worthy of all our praise and devotion!!!!