Saturday, September 20, 2014

There's Only One Lord

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

When we experience success and deliverance it is very easy for us to forget about who paved the way or even the assistance that we had in overcoming… This passage of scripture is written at a time when the Israelites are on the very cusp of the Promise Land; they have experienced the very presences of God being with them as a cloud by day and fire by nigh; they were given a front seat to observe God’s powerful hand in their exodus from Egypt as well as the annihilation of the Egyptians under Pharaoh in the Red Sea… Through all this, in times of peace and comfort the children begin to complain and become disobedient… God is prepared to bless them; however, this blessing is not to be misunderstood and taken without a devotion and love toward Him… So often we can go to God in prayer about situations; however, we forget about Him when He shows up and shows out… You must be careful today that you remain humble in the modest times as well as the abundant times; you must remember to display humility in depressed states as well as delivered states, you have to be on guard that your prayer life in strong when in bondage as well as when you are freed… This is why Moses starts this chapter in his fifth book of the law by saying, “These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.” 

The Israelites were given commands from God to obey and observe; these perimeters were put in place to govern them and keep them on the straight and narrow… Lord knows we need to be governed especially when we experience a blessing and a new season… The Lord knew that His children would go astray, He know that His sheep would wonder off if not given structure and order before being given the keys to a new life… This same principle applies to us as well, you must have the foundation of who God is instilled in you before you can have the house built and furnish the home… Just like the Israelites, you have been given commands to follow and adhere too; these commands are not to be discarded when you take over your land flowing with milk and honey… This is what happened through the 40 years in the wilderness under the leadership of Moses… The children were delivered one day and disobeying and complaining the next; they were given the things they needed one day and upset about not getting what they wanted the next… No matter what happens in your life or what transpires from day to day, you have to remain under the leadership of God knowing that the Lord our God is one Lord… Even when you feel betrayed (as crazy as that may sound), know that you deliverance, abundance and divine direct are found and produced through your love for God… This is why Moses goes on to say that you must not only know that God is one Lord but that thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might… We just looked the importance of love a few devotions ago and how it is love that covers a multitude of sins… You will not obey the commands of God, you will not observe His laws and decrees, you will not adhere to His desires if you do not love Him… 

With love there is a devotion and desire; when you love God you give Him your all (heart, soul and might) while also doing the very things He asks of you… Today’s message teaches us to stay focused and don’t allow ourselves to be distracted by the way things appear to be or the things we don’t have that we want… Stay true to the Lord and don’t allow yourself to be persuaded to think otherwise or believe in something else when things are not done according to your desires… There are many religions in the world, many different claims and thoughts; however, we are told in the scriptures today that there is only one Lord… We are called to hear, to understand, to realize and to listen… So many people get caught up in the wrong things, serving idols and other lords, but we are called today to know that when everything else fails and all the dust settles, there is only One Lord who reigns over all… The God that I serve is not made of gold; He is not formed through a fire, or molded by a potter. The God that I serve has been here before the beginning of time and surely will remain when time has run out. The God I serve stretched out his hand to his children through his son Jesus Christ and allowed us a second chance. The God I serve has the power to deliver, heal, and strength all that come before Him in humility. I serve a living God, one who is here, there, and everywhere; a God that is the same yesterday, today, and forever. My God has tasted death through His son, but has also brought life through the same, He spoke this world into existence, created man from the dust of the ground and has vowed to return to receive His children and take them to His home in glory. My Lord is one God, not Allah, not Baal, not an Asherah Pole, but a wonderful counselor, a prince of peace, the great I am; that is my God. If you understand who this God is that I am talking about, the same one that has brought you through seen and unseen dangerous, the same one that has brought you through the dark days and sleepless nights, if you know this God; the one who vowed to never leave you nor forsake you, the one who has always been your friend and comforter, your shield and buckler. If you know this God, then you can agree with this passage taken from Deuteronomy the 6th chapter and Love Him with all your heart, soul and might, because He is worthy of all our praise and devotion!!!!


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