Thursday, September 11, 2014

Be Led By God

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
Romans 6:13
A choice is presented before you from the time of your birth to the time of your death; you have a decision to make as to how your life will be handled and which direction it will be led… Notice that I did not say that you decide the direction of your life but that you decide who will lead it; there are so many of us who think we are in control when in reality the enemy has us on string like a puppet toying with our emotions, mental state and the desires we have in this world… This passage declares to us that we either canyield our members as instruments of righteousness or unrighteousness… The Lord once to see you succeed; however, through the fall of man He knows that you are not able to handle making your own decisions without a guide which for us is the Holy Spirit… The enemy knows that you are a weak vessel without the guidance of God and so he has you thinking that you can handle situations which in reality you are digging a hole that you can never climb out of on your own… Paul refers to you as an instrument because you are a device which can either unlock untapped potential or destroy a unique path designed specifically for you… You are a tool that can lead others to Christ, break generational curses and take down strongholds; the enemy knows your ability and it’s the very reason why he tries to use you to do the exact opposite… 

In reading this passage I am lead to ask a question; where do you allow yourself to go that does not please God? What things do you take part in that brings disgrace upon the name of the Lord…? It is true that we all have fallen short of the glory of God; however, a saint is nothing more than a sinner who got up and came out of their world of sin… God has called us to be better, achieve more and reach higher, but you will not be able to do that if you allow your body to be used by this world and allow your choices to be influenced by others… Paul charges us today in his letter to the Church of Rome to simply understand that these battles we face are real. Life is built on the choices that we make, and life itself is a choice… Every day we are flooded with temptation, there is always an easier way to obtain your goals, and always an opportunity to change your approach in this life! The bible declares that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour; he waits patiently for you to give him the golden opportunity to turn your life upside down. Paul says that we must not be instruments of unrighteousness, but instruments of righteousness. Notice that in both passages we are instruments, an instrument is something that is used to obtain something or an objective... We are always being used, the question is whether our use if positive or negative, are you being used to impact someone’s life through exaltation or are you bring that person down (this could be happening to you as well), are you being used to show love or cause pain and chaos. Whether we realize or not, we are always being used for righteousness or sin. 

When we miss opportunities to witness of God’s amazing power we have chosen to be an instrument of unrighteousness. When we proclaim the good news of Christ we have chosen to be alive from the dead.  It pains me to see all the degrading videos and reality shows that disrespect the creation that God made when He formed us from the dust of this earth… It is sad to see young adults and children disrespecting themselves and their parents by making bad choices or allowing people to lead them down paths of destruction… This world we live in is sick, we have been on a downward spiral since we took prayer out of schools, since we restrained ourselves from the foundation of the Gospel, and afforded ourselves the opportunity to embrace God’s love and care! Paul’s charge is to remain faithful in this faithless time, to remain encouraged in this hopeless world, and to remain strong in this weakened nation. Sure the grass may look greener on the other side (the key is look), and evil may continue to approach your doorstep, Paul’s message is to keep the faith, don’t give up and don’t give in… Jesus declared that we will reap a harvest, if we faint not! Surely it may seem very easy for you to stop going to church and indulge in the ways of this world, but remember that you have been called to a higher standard, remember that you have been selected to conduct yourself in righteousness. I know that it is very difficult to live in the will of God sometimes, but I would rather suffer in the will of God, than to suffer in eternity with the devil! Instrument of righteousness; instrument of unrighteousness! The choice is yours, but don’t say it verbally because it is displayed through your actions!!!!

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