Monday, September 15, 2014

You're Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14

You were created in a beauty that uniquely defines who you are… I state this because so many of us spend our lifetime trying to be something that we aren’t or never were created to be… This passage speaks to those who are wasting time trying to please mankind or gather a measure of success according to the world’s viewpoint… There are a lot of things in our lives that we may not be proud of; however, this message today reminds us that praise should always pour from our lips as we are fearfully and wonderfully made… God set aside a portion of time to fully layout the exact person that you are today and the one that you will become tomorrow… Understand that there will never be another you; the path you travel is unique to the abilities that you possess which in turn is outlined by your thoughts and actions… This needs to be grasped today because a lot of us walk around unhappy and because of this are not able to live a full abundant life full of praise and joy… David had gone through stages of second-guessing himself; even probably had bouts with depression given the mistakes he made and all the things that transpired in His life and family… Despite losing a son and eventually a daughter; David turns to the Lord earlier in this psalm and says you no my coming in and going out… David could’ve played the why me card, he could’ve thrown in the towel; however, he found an answer in recognizing who God is and what He already knows… The things you face in life you were designed to be able to handle and overcome… You were designed in a fearful manner not to be afraid of things but to be in awe of your creator… You weren’t designed to run from things but to run to Him so that you can overcome things… Fear breeds unease and panic which leads to poor choices and bad results…You were fearfully made so that you could actually overcome fear…  The way God formed you was so that you would not be overcome by snares and hardships in this life… 

A fearful mindset will not bring about fear when storms rage in your life; a fearful mindset will not have you running for shelter but will in turn have you in a state of realizing that the water provided from the rain will help the seed that lives within you to grow… We have the wrong idea of what fear is in the eyes of God… Fear is strength not weakness, it bring light not darkness and it transforms not conforms… This is why we are reminded that we are not given a spirit of fear but that we are called to fear God and keep His commandments… Don’t be afraid of your circumstances, walk in the fear of the Lord knowing that He can and will provide… Being fearfully made is what unlocks your ability to stand still while everyone else runs… This fear is what allowed David to conquer Goliath with a slingshot and a smooth stone, this fear is what allowed David to lose His son and worship the Lord, this fear is what actually allowed David to spare Saul’s life (the very man trying to kill him) instead of taking it…Instead of trying to solve his problem, David left it in the hands of God because of the fear which resided in Him about the love God had for him… David could offer up praise unto the Lord because of situations in His life where He saw God show up and show out… You have a reason to offer praise today, you have a reason to give God the highest praise; things may not be the way you desire them to be, but you can praise Him just because you are hear and able to overcome every obstacle put before you… If you can’t see a reason to praise Him, just look at your life and the deep beauty that is you… 

When you are faced with a tough and trying situation, remind yourself that marvellous are thy works… When people try to say you won’t amount to anything or become anything, you can hold your head high and declare that you were wonderfully made... The wonder that is you relates to the reason why God designed you… He didn’t design you to be useless, He didn’t design you to be ridiculed and disrespected, there is more to you than people can see and so when the enemy tries to run you down you can let him know that my soul knoweth right well… I know that I have a purpose; I know that God devised a plan for me and I know that there is more to my life than what you have to see or think… Yes, you may not be where you want, but you can praise God that the fear in wonder that you were made in won’t allow you to sell yourself short and miss your divine destiny…  You cannot praise God if you think that you should be on another path and therefore are not happy with the plan He devised for you… We all have made bad decisions in life, some of which we greatly desire to change and or delete from our minds. This passage taken from this psalmist reminds us to praise God for his (our) creation. We must understand that as a child of God we are fearfully and wonderfully made; that means that you are a unique individual who was molded with a purpose. The psalmist understands that though he has trials and tribulations he is a man of character and his life has substance and meaning. Your life here on earth means something, your position that you hold here means something, you are a wonderful creature, a child of God, and you know the way in which you should live. Praise be to God!


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