Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God Is A Refuge For Us

In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.
Psalm 62:7-8
Stop trying to turn to others when you feel down and discouraged; stop looking to those closest to you for a support and encouragement that only God can give… Today’s message reminds you to live the faith you proclaim verbally on Sunday’s and stop faltering when you face a difficult time along this journey… David pens this Psalm out of the depths of his heart having come to the realization that there is nothing of this earth which can sooth the pain or fill the void felt in times of trouble… Even though doors may appear to be open before you and the grass may appear to be better on the other side; David declares,“In God is my salvation and my glory…” This message today is one that we should and need to apply to our lives, we have to have the faith to declare that God is my salvation, He is my deliverance, He is my rescue and My escape… The Lord is my glory; He is my beauty, my grandeur and my splendor… Everything that I need will indeed come from Him and even though I may not be where I want to be, I can thank and praise God that I am exactly where He desire me to be right now… 

The enemy will place doors before you in the hopes that you will not stand still and know that God is God… I am a firm believer that not every door place before you is of God and therefore not everything that looks like a new way is meant for you to travel… When we look to others often times where hear things that will lead us to consider other ways and paths; we become focused on finding a solution instead of declaring that God is our solution… The words of man will never produce the ways of God because they are coming from the thought so man and not the thoughts of God… The thoughts of man and the perception of man is what led David to the series of sins which he committed against God… It was the perception of things around him which led him to flee and land right in the land of the enemy… In knowing all that David did and encountered, I am compelled to tell you today that you can stop searching high and low, you can stop going from place to place and you can stop trying to find your answers on and in this earth… Again, the psalmist tells us today that “In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.” All the answers you seek can be found above, you can stop going from place to place and enter into His courts, and you can stop searching high and low and focus your attention on the “Great I Am…” No matter where you are right now or what you are doing; no matter how dim things may appear or how many storms have raged in your life, we are reminded by the psalmist that we have a (n) avenue to obtain comfort and protection… Today’s message is to simply encourage you to know and understand that you always have a friend! When the storms of life are raging and peace is not visible; you have a friend… 

When your friends are few and far between and you are crying in the midnight hour; you still do have a friend! When people hurl insults upon you and seek to disgrace your name; you have a friend… David reminds us today that we have a friend that we can always talk too, we have a buddy that is always there and ready to listen and that we can “trust in Him at all times”, we can pour our heart out to Him… How many people in your life can you really pour your heart out too? How many people in your life can you trust that they won’t hurt you or abandon you in your weakest hour…? David tells us today that there is only one such friend… David says “In God is my salvation…” So many of us have put confidence in man even though the bible tells us that we should not do that… We have allowed hopes and dreams to become afterthoughts and nightmares because we have not placed our focus and cares upon the will of God… David had seen trials and tribulations; he had fled the hand of a supposed friend (Saul) and camped in the land of his enemies (Philistines)… A lot of times when we take refuge in a friend or something other than God we put ourselves in danger and end up worse than we were before…Once David outlines the fact that God is my salvation, my glory, my rock, my strength and my refuge; he goes on to say that we must “Trust in him at all times…” So of we put our trust in things we can see or things that seem right to us… David is speaking from experience today and telling us that we must trust in Him… Stop putting confidence in your job, it can be gone tomorrow, stop putting confidence in your friend, they can sell you out or turn their backs on you… 

Not only must we trust Him but we must do it “at all times…” David lost his firstborn of Bathsheba and was in mourning while the child was sick, we go through trials and tribulations in life, we experience ups and downs, hills and valleys, highs and lows and through it all we are called to trust in Him… When things don’t make sense you have to continue to trust God instead of trying to devise your own plan or seeking worldly help… The bible says that the one who puts their trust in the Lord is like a man that built his house on a solid foundation… It is important that the dreams you have and the heights that you want to reach or built upon the word of God… It’s important that God is “the rock of your strength…” Know that all things in this life will pass away, friends will come and go, relationships will end and life will be filled with twist and turns… David says his strength is drawn from Him, his refuge is in God! Where do we run too when we are down and in despair? Where do we draw our strength for the journey? David tried to trust his friends and it ultimately led him to the camp of the enemy. Some of us are in the camp of the enemy now, we have retreated to bad habits and bad lifestyles; we have returned to old ways and are currently trying to deal with things the way WE know how… We must put our trust in the Lord; we must hold to His hand, we must know that He will be there right on time! In God is my salvation, it is through Him I am free, through Him I find peace for my weary body and have a chance at eternal life… Stop trying to do things on your own, put your trust and confidence in the Lord! Clevant Derricks had it right when he wrote the lyrics… “Tell Him all about your struggles, He will hear your faintest cry and He will answer by and by… I feel a little prayer wheel turning and I know a little fire is burning! JUST A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS MAKES IT RIGHT!!!!

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