Thursday, May 30, 2024

Release The Negative; Embrace The Positive

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

Two important steps in our Christian walk must be taken daily… The first is that we must cast down our imaginations; every day of our lives we are tempted by oppositions or the lust of the flesh, Paul calls for us to stand firm in the faith… Second, once we are freed from temptation, we must set our minds on the thoughts of Christ… The psalm writer said, “I have hid thy word in my heart that I might not sin against thee…” We must cast down evil while we cleave to good… Paul tells us in his letter to the Church of Rome, the 12 chapter that we are not to be conformed to this world, but that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds… Your mind is one of the most powerful tools that you possess… The Bible says that if we believe and not doubt we will be saved and can move mountains… 

Believing involves your heart and mind (remember Paul said we wrestle not against flesh)… We must focus our thoughts on things of God or we will fall short in every trial or obstacle that we face… Today, Paul reminds us that this war we fight daily is not physical, but spiritual and mental. Our thoughts lead to actions and actions lead to results that could be fatal… We must learn to remove negative thoughts that labor in our minds daily (cast down imaginations) and bring into our thoughts the obedience of Christ; that is, learning, studying, and applying His word within our lives… It is not good enough to read the Bible every now and then or go to church every now and then because we are not equipped for the battles ahead. Think of it this way, every day that you go without reading, meditating, and applying God's word is a day you have lost in the battle. We say it's okay, and I am too tired to study tonight, or that God understands. 

The ironic thing about saying that is that these words are the false imaginations that Paul is writing about to us today that must be cast down!


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