Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Christ Is In Control

Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Revelation 1:17-18
As we walk this earth, we are reminded that we have nothing to fear; understand that there is nothing in this world or of this world that can overtake the will and plan that God has for your life… The revelation revealed to John teaches us that God was there before human existence and in the end, He will still remain… Jesus indeed did die as all humans will; however, spiritually the bible says that He gave up the ghost and it is by His spirit that we have nothing to fear, by His spirit we can overcome mountains and receive life and life more abundantly… Notice the blessing and strength given unto the Children of God in this passage. It tells us to FEAR NOT, so many of us are worried about what the future holds, where we will be in the next couple of years, whether we will find that special someone, and whether we'll be happy and have a stable job and income. John reminds us through the sacrifice of Jesus that we have nothing to fear. We don’t have to worry; we don’t have to be confused, or unstable in our actions on this earth. Jesus declares that he was the first and the last. This means that He was the first to endure hardships, He was the first to go through the grind of dealing with the penalty of sin, but it also means that He was the last, He went through the obstacles and defeated every last one of them. Your sin has already been dealt with, and your future is already promised to be fruitful. There is no need for you to fear because God already knows what you need and as long as you seek Him first, you will receive all you need and more…

This is my hope and passion, this is what I rest and look forward to, this is why I don’t fear the current circumstances, and NEITHER SHOULD YOU!!!!!!


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