Friday, May 24, 2024

Fast With A Purpose

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? 

Isaiah 58:6

I find it ironic how many times we throw our hands up in despair and wonder why God would allow trials and tribulations to ravage our lives. We continually complain and become frustrated as we proclaim that we are trying to live a Christian life, but things are just too complicated and are never easy. Isaiah declared to the Israelites the same thing that he declares to us today; God has not caused your pain and chaos, it was of your own doing. The Israelites had become so prideful that they believed they could just do what they wanted and if things got dicey God would show up and deliver them out of whatever it is they were facing; sound familiar? They remembered slavery in Egypt, the cloud by day and fire by night, and the Red Sea along with manna from heaven. They just know that God would always provide for them and never allow them to see pain, even if they deserved it! Sound familiar? 

Today, Isaiah reminds us that the desires of God are “To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens…” The plan that God has for creation didn’t involve suffering, it didn’t involve persecution nor did it involve pain; however, through the enticing that is our sinful nature, we incurred several complications which caused unnecessary chaos and confusion… This is why our prayers fall on deaf ears, this is why the children of God fasted and the movement of God was not felt… We often pray about situations and then go on with our lives, doing exactly what we are not supposed to do… God desires more than just prayer, He desires more than sackcloth and ashes (which is written in the previous verses of this chapter)… He desires a willingness and determination to bind wickedness; break strongholds and set the captives free… The true fast isn’t simply giving up food for some time; it involves a total sacrifice of mind, spirit, and body… You must fast with a purpose!


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