Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Turn From Sin; There's Still Hope

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. 

Ezekiel 18:21

There is still hope for all who continue to fall short in this journey we call life (I am included)… Though we have made mistakes and given into temptations we are reminded today that we still can overcome and be victorious… Ezekiel speaks to a rebellious house today that turned from God to seek other gods and other possessions… The message written at the time of Israel’s disobedience carries the same value and weight for us today… Through today's devotional, we learn of the 4 steps required in order to be reunited with Christ.

1) The first step “But if the wicked…” We must acknowledge our position as sinners and accept the fact that we are not nor will we ever be perfect on this earth… Ezekiel is speaking to a rebellious house, a people that abstained, objected and denied God… We too have rejected the teachings of God; we have denied the will of God in our lives and clothed ourselves with the will and ways of the world… God desires all creation to return unto him, but we must understand that we are wicked and acknowledge that we are in need of a savior in order to open up the door that God will enter into… 

2) The second step is “turn from all his sin that he hath committed…” you must have an attitude that learns from your mistakes and doesn’t continue in the path of darkness! We all have fallen short, but must realize that until we turn away and turn back to God, we will not be released from the weight of our sin… Change is never easy to accept or to do, but we must “turn” and change our lifestyle, habits and friends in order to even begin to entertain a relationship with God… 

3) The third step in this process of sanctification is “…and keep all my statues…” Even though we understand the importance of recognizing your sin and desiring to turn away from it, it is not enough to turn from your wickedness. Turning is just the beginning; however, that doesn’t release you from eternal damnation. It is not enough to turn, you must take additional steps, the first of which is to accept and commit your life to Christ! Once you join a gym, results are not seen until you actually workout.

4) The last step in this process is that you “…do that which is lawful and right…” Not only must we keep his statures, but we must remain steadfast in God’s laws; understand that this is not an overnight process and that it takes time… You must do that which is lawfully right and adhere to His commandments daily. When you begin to focus your attention on God, you will begin to live and death will have no more dominion over you!


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