Friday, September 11, 2020

There's A Blessing In The Storm

The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. Therefore men, revere him, for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart?

Job 37:23-24

It is so easy for us to become frustrated when we face difficulties in life, it is so easy for us to get upset and dejected when it appears as though things are falling apart; in these times in our lives, we are reminded today that we must maintain the reverence that we have for the Lord “for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart…” God knows what you can take and what you can stand, He knows the weight which you can handle and He wants you to walk in faith instead of the sight of things around you… Job was a man that was considered righteous, but even he was tested… In the end he received double what he had originally… Today, ask yourself (without knowing the end results) if you can stand the test that is assured to come to your doorstep… Even if you believe that you are walking according to the will of God, do you truly believe you can stand the test…? I often hear people speak about how God has the final say and that He is in control when something occurs in life; however, the question that I have is how do we handle or feel when God’s final say is to test your faith and belief…? God may be challenging your faith in Him by removing something that you hold dear to your heart…  Even in the midst of your storm, know that God not only knows what you’re going through, but He also has a plan that is being carried out… These verses today taken from Job teach us about trusting God's plan and also that sin has caused the captivity and oppression that we face… Through God’s justice and great righteousness we are able to live and obtain victory… The desire of God is not to oppress you, but to rekindle that intimate relationship with you… The storms you face serve a purpose and they are well worth it when they bring you closer to the Lord… The bigger the storm/trial is, the closer you are to your God appointed destiny when you overcome it…


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