Thursday, September 3, 2020

Remember His Mercies

I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, and the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses.

Isaiah 63:7

Do you ever sit back and just recall all the lovingkindness that God has shown you…? When you truly examine your life you will come to the conclusion that you are beyond blessed… You should always approach the Lord with thanksgiving because even to have breath in your body is a blessing… Despite the different things that you may be going through or the various storms that you have encountered; Isaiah reminds us today that we need to meditate on the things that God has done in our lives, the paths that He has made and the doors that He has opened… When you feel like you are at the edge of the cliff, remind yourself of God’s “great goodness toward the house of Israel…” Substitute the house of Israel with your name and rehash all the wonderful blessings that have been bestowed in your life… At this point in time in the scriptures, the Israelites had already been delivered from the hand of Pharaoh, feed manna from heaven and entered the Promise Land under the leadership of Joshua… Despite all their nagging and complaints, God still gave them water from a rock and defeated all their adversaries… It is in the days of Isaiah that the children of God have rekindled their rebellious nature and are finding themselves in the midst of coming bondage… It is very easy for us to focus on the problems in our lives instead of the solution… Nobody wants to endure discipline and correction; however, we can embrace these times in our life when we know that God is in the midst and His lovingkindness is still present… Can you remember when you weren’t doing what God wanted you to? Can you think back to the point in time when church was an afterthought? If you can, answer this question, has God shown mercy to you in your undeserving state? Let the world know of His lovingkindness, of the grace and mercy bestowed upon you. Understand today that your shoes may not be comfortable for you, but there is always someone who is walking barefoot and would love to try yours on; that’s why Isaiah tells us to THANK GOD!


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