Monday, January 7, 2019

Love God And Let Him Work It Out

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

There are positive outcomes to your circumstances that appear to be negative… Notice that I used the word “Appear”... Often times we equate obstacles with negativity, but Paul reminds us today that this concept is false… In the Old Testament Abraham had to relocate in order to be blessed and called the father of many nations, Joseph had to endure slavery to see His dream fulfilled, Jacob ran from Esau and was subject to countless attacks before being named Israel… The point is that when we are walking according to the will of God everything in our paths will be used as a tool to mold us and guide us toward the ultimate prize… Paul wrote a letter to the church of Corinth about the “thorn in his flesh”, he ended by saying that God told him “His grace is sufficient…” When storms rise learn to appreciate the rain because that is what helps flowers grow just like the sunny days… Paul declares to the Church of Rome that all things work together for the good of them that love God. Notice that he states all things work, the bad and the good will come together and fulfill God’s purpose. Some of us take this verse to read that everything will be peaches and cream, when in reality Paul is saying your suffering has a place in God’s divine will for your life! 

Every obstacle you face, every trial that is presented and every storm that comes knocking will align you and prepare you for a new level in the will of God… There is nothing that God will place in your life that you can’t handle and the end product will be better than the first… Job received double, Joseph was a prince and David became king… All faced trials, but (through faith) saw that God’s will was done… Joseph went on to say, “Though it was meant for evil, my God meant it for good…” Paul also informs the church that things will work for the good of those who love God. Many people are confused as to why their homes are divided and being destroyed, why their marriages aren’t working, or are confused at how everything they touch is demolished. These people say they are active in the church; they give there offering every Sunday, so how is it that my life makes no sense? The answer is because your love for God is not present; love is sacrifice, trust, and faith! When you love God you aren’t worried about tomorrow, you don’t allow society to dictate your decisions, and you believe in your heart that God is guiding you in the pathway of righteousness. More importantly, your love for God will show when you have found yourself in the midst of  a trial; remember Paul said that we are to do all things without murmurings and disputes, your love for God should be evident in all phases of life… 

We have to cling to God, seek His word and way daily, that’s how we show our love, not simply by going to church and saying the right things! The second part of today’s devotion deals with the aspect of work; all things work together for the good, but this means you must also do the work which your hands have been assigned to do…There are many Christians that are unhappy and unfruitful not because God dislikes them, but because they are trying to serve in the wrong capacity! The word of God says that titles without treatment lead to tragedy… Make sure that you are working in the capacity that God has called you for; make sure that you are not focused on titles instead of serving the Lord. The word says, “To whom much is given, much is required…” Don’t seek vain glory; don’t look for the applause of men, but serve the Lord in spirit and in truth. Everything will be fine if you have trusted in the Lord and accepted your rightful position in His kingdom of service… Not everyone is to preach, not everyone is to sing, not everyone is to usher… The bible says, “The body is made up of many members…” We can’t all be the head, we can’t all be the hands, some are the feet which make it possible to move and advance in His will… Make sure your walking in God’s calling, you will know because everything will work to your benefit and growth when you’re doing His will…


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