Sunday, January 27, 2019

Be Thankful For His Mercy

If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.

Psalm 130:3-4

Have you ever taken time out of your day to think about where you would be if God had not shown mercy toward you? We are called to take note today that if God really marked our iniquity (wickedness, evil, crime, sin) we would not be here nor would we be able to obtain Eternal Life… The psalmist reminds us today to simply reflect upon our lives and the mistakes that we have made (even the ones that we made just a second ago or last night) and take time to thank God for His mercy… If we are truthful with ourselves, we know that there are a lot of things that we desire in this life that would cause us to divert from the very path of God and lead us down a path of evil… Something as simple as a desire to have more can lead us to love material things which the bible tells us is the root of all evil… 

The first verse says, “If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” Let us take some time to ponder that, these verse place priority in our lives by reminding us that we are filthy rags that don’t deserve the Love of God to shine upon us… If we look over our lives we will soon realize that we are not worthy to be counted in the number of God, we will realize that our name should not appear in the Lambs book of Life, we will understand that hell should be our eternal resting home… See, often times we try to paint this silhouette of holiness and perfection, but the bible tells us “that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory…” It doesn’t matter what kind of picture you paint, or how fake you act, the bottom line is that if God were to judge us according to our living, we all would be joined together in the pits of darkness… 

This opening verse should cause you to take a humble approach to life; it should make you want to take a backseat to society instead of trying to poke your chest out as if you’re the best thing on this earth… This opening statement in this verse should remind you that it is by God’s grace and mercy that you are able to even be in the land of the living today… Simply imagine what would happen if God exposed all the dark corners of your life, think about the perception that people would have, where you would be if people knew the real you… Somebody ought to be thanking God right now for His mercy, withholding the judgment, punishment and anguish that we truly should have felt… 

There is none on earth who can stand before God and give a (n) account worthy to hear Him say “well done”and it is of the utmost importance that we realize that and revere God for His love… The next portion of scripture says, “…But there is forgiveness with thee…” Today is good Friday, this is the day in which Christ laid down His life for us all, it’s the day He bore the iniquity of us all and gave us a chance to make things right… We are forgiven through His nail scarred hands, we received a clean slate through the blood that flowed from His side and it is because of the words “it is finished…” that you can I are not judge according to the errors of our ways… The psalmist acknowledges that he is not worthy of God’s blessings, he understands that he isn’t worthy to simply be alive and because of that he informs us as to why we should revere the Lord… 

The last piece says, “that thou mayest be feared…” God desires you to exalt His name, He desires to be glorified by your living and have you adore Him… He has blotted out your transgressions that you may have another chance, He remembers your sins no more that you may be molded into the disciple that He has called you to be… His forgiveness was poured out on all mankind so that Eternal Life could be possible and we could establish a relationship with him… Often times we look at fear in the since of terror or dread, but when the psalmist talks about fear He is speaking to a respect, reverence and acknowledgment… God picked you up out of the miry clay; He placed your feet on solid ground and has given you a clean slate… We fear God because of His love, we revere God because of His forgiveness, and we acknowledge the fact that if it were not for His mercy we would not be able to stand… God desires your honor because He didn’t let you die in your We can’t stand without Him, but we surely can conquer anything with Him…  


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