Thursday, January 10, 2019

Confess Christ And Christ Will Confess You

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 10:32-33

Religion is not something that we take off of our bookshelves and wear 1 day a week; it isn’t something that we keep hidden in the crevices of our lives and display around certain individuals… As a child of God we are called to walk daily in His divine light and this means that we are to show forth our faith in Him and trust that this is the only way… When we second guess speaking up in defense of the name of Jesus or when we withhold comments concerning our Lord and Savior we are doing a disservice to those whom we have come in contact with as well as ourselves… It is through speaking up and standing that we display our belief and initiates the standing power of Jesus Christ who continues to make intercessions on our behalf… Peter denied Christ and left a courtyard weeping; however, when standing after receiving the Holy Ghost 3,000 souls were saved… The power that God has and is willing to display in our lives can only be exerted when we “confess him before men…” Make no mistake about it, you will not be able to wheel and deal your way into heaven… The bible declares that anyone who“confess with their mouth” and believes in their heart shall be saved…  You are accountable to the call that God has on your life; however you are also accountable to bear witness to His name and walk in obedience… 

You disobey God when you “deny him before men” which is why Jesus will “also deny you before his father…” You are pretending, you are a (n) imposter, you are fraudulent… You cannot talk the talk; you have to walk the walk… Jesus said that He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly; however, He walked the walk when faced with the cross and humiliation… Today, you must carry your cross; you must walk through the cities declaring your love and appreciation for the most high… This is the only way that Christ will make intercession on your behalf and prepare the place for you in the heavens. In today’s focus verses, Matthew records the undeniable truth about salvation; this truth that we find here is that we control our own destiny… You have the power to unlock your God given destiny of settle for whatever you can obtain on this earth… Jesus is setting the stage as to how men can be saved, he says that whoever confesses him before men, he will confess before his father. In other words he is ready to provide the gift of eternal life unto you, but you control your own fate as to whether or not you would like to receive it. Notice Jesus says if you confess before men (plural), this confession is not limited to the church, it is not held bondage within the four walls of your sanctuary; but rather, Jesus is seeking for the true Christian to stand in your workplace, stand in your communities and in your homes! Many Christians have what I like to a call a “fashion faith,” they change with the seasons…. 

When they are around certain people they profess there love for Christ and there strong religious beliefs; however, when they go into the unknown they take a different approach toward each situation (they are like the candle that is lit but place under a bowl or like a ship at sea tossed and turned by the current tide). Jesus is not talking to the “fashion faith” individual, he is talking to the one who doesn’t understand that there spiritual prosperity lies within there hands, he is talking to the one who is at the fork in the road and is uncertain as to the path he shall take. The declaration is clear, eternal prosperity or damnation, happiness or sadness, exaltation or gnashing of teeth, either choice comes with consequences. To live in sin means you will be spiritual empty and unhappy within. Living in Christ means you must take up your cross and follow him. When men where crucified, they carried there cross through the cities so that all could see their fate! Does everyone you encounter know where you stand? After all, “the choice is yours…”


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