Thursday, June 8, 2017

Turn And Live

As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Ezekiel 33:11

God doesn’t find pleasure in seeing you suffer nor is He comfortable in watching your soul perish; this is the very reason why Jesus came to this earth and this also is the reason why we have been given a second, third and even fourth chance to learn from the mistakes of yesterday… Notice that the Lord is speaking in the verse and says I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked… Know today that God loves you, He me not like the things that you are doing or even the people you give ear to, but He still has a love for you that goes beyond your fault and wants to take care of your needs… To be wicked is to be evil, wrong, immoral or sinful; what God is saying to you today as well as to me is that He despises the sin while loving the sinner… Just knowing that God says that you can turn from your wicked way and live should bring happiness and joy into our hearts as we know that judgment has not be rendered on us even though there are several people in our lives that probably have already written us off… Through this passage I find comfort in knowing that God is patient and is working with me as I grow in Him and in this life… The Lord knows your potential, and He says today that if you turn I can help you fulfill it… There is good news today for the backslider; there is encouragement for the broken hearted and a beam of light for those in places of darkness… This good news is that even in the midst of your current situation, despite how many times you have turned your back on the Lord, despite how many times you have decided to go the wrong way; Ezekiel reminds us that the desires of God are that we shall live!!!Understanding that God desires for us to live tells me that if I don’t know Him than I am not living at all… Yes you may be breathing right now, you might be walking and talking right now, but you have not experienced life until you have found yourself in the body of Christ… See there are some among us that don’t know Christ; the scarier fact is that some even go to church on a daily basis but yet even still don’t know Him… This call that Ezekiel puts forth tells me that it’s not to late… 

Due to the things you have done the devil desires for you to believe you situation is helpless… Do to the mistakes that you have made, Satan will try and warp your mind into believing that you don’t have a ray of hope or that you are too far gone… Ezekiel pens this message to the children of God at a time when they where a rebellious people…Everything that went against the will of God was being done; however even still God says if you turn to me I will lift you up… God is waiting for you to turn to Him… He’s tired of you turning to others, He’s tired of you turning to habits; He wants you to trust Him today and the only way you can do that is to learn who He is… Despite all the offences we have engaged in toward the Lord and no matter how many times we have strayed away, Ezekiel reminds us that God doesn’t desire vengeance in casting you to the pits of hell, but that He wants you to change your ways… Death is something that God does not associate Himself with, when the sins of the world were cast upon Jesus; God turned away and felt the pain of losing His son… Today God still agonizes on the decisions you make and the courses of actions that you choose… The plea of God through the prophet Ezekiel is that all would be saved! Every person on this earth would turn from there wickedness and accept the offering that Jesus poured out on the cross… The Lord says that He has “no pleasure” in the death of the wicked; it pains Him to see a soul perish, it troubles Him to see a future dimmed by darkness! Every day that we wake up is an opportunity to accept God’s offering of His son, every minute we breathe is a chance to make Jesus our personal Lord and Savior! God not only showed His love by sending Jesus, but continues to show it by giving us second, third, fourth and fifth chance on this earth… 

His acts of grace and mercy abound beyond worldly love because He opens the windows to the sinner and picks them up out of there wickedness… There is a plea put forth by Ezekiel that we turn and live; God is knocking at the door of your heart and seeking to transform you and empower you… The plea that God has put forth is a plea that requires you to accept that fact that without Him you are nothing and will never be anything… This passage taken from Ezekiel speaks to God’s love and patience’s, but also begs a question of our walk on this earth as a child of God… What are we doing to assist others in coming to know Christ! God desires for the wicked to turn, we must desire to help our enemy and not abandon them; we must desire to lift up our brothers and sisters and not damage them with our tongue or push them away from us! Everyday we live is a chance to walk in God’s will, when Jesus came to the earth He stated His mission very clearly; “I have come to help the sick and claim the lost…I have come to serve and not to be served…” We are on this earth to help others know the power and will of God (this can’t be accomplished without us accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior)! I firmly believe that everyday we wake up is because we have not completed the work that God has for us; when your work on this side is complete, you will be called home to your eternal rest! So ask yourself, why did I wake up this morning and then answer the question (to seek and save that which was lost)! God desires all to turn to Him (you first), then do your part to help the people around you to hear His call…


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