Friday, June 2, 2017

Put Your Trust In Him

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Psalm 91:1-2

There is no security which we can obtain upon this earth… All the money in the world will not provide the stability that you need which only can be obtained through Christ… There are so many things that we put our trust in, when in reality there is only one thing (God) which we can trust… This devotion is coming as the east coast faces the pending arrival of Hurricane Sandy on our shores; the aftermath which is yet to be revealed has millions of people in an uproar frantically going from store to store buying up everything in sight… The truth of the matter today is that the situation which we face cannot be prepped for; the only place you should be running to is God instead of your local market… There is a secret place which we can find in Christ; this secret place is the same place Jesus was able to enter before being arrested at the words of Judas; this secret place is the same place Stephen reached before being stoned and it is the same place Paul reached while imprisoned… The secret place provides comfort for the weary heart and strength for the weak hands; this secret place gives direction to the loss soul and hope for the wayward sinner… The unknown author of this passage speaks of the secret place and concludes by saying I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in him will I trust… These words are powerful in that they allude to the fact that the write had to go through some storms and be delivered by the very hand of God to make the concluding state that in him will I trust… 

You have been through some tough times, you have faced difficult challenges and you have had to absorb ridicule and pain, you have scars from yesterday; however, I charge you today to know that the scars you have from yesterday represent the healing that God placed over your life today… This is why you can run to the secret place of the Most High knowing that there is security and protection in Him… You have seen the hand of the Lord move, and because of this you know that you can trust that what He has done in the past He will do in the future… The word of God reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever… Storms are guaranteed in this life, situations are unavoidable and the test of the true Christian comes in times of adversity where you show the faith you have verses proclaiming it through your lips… A friend of mind once told me that you will be tested on your faith and this test comes on a daily basis as the place you run to is on display for all to see… The message today is for you to stand strong, keep the faith and trust that God has a plan that will prevail and lead to your exaltation in and through Him…The psalmist reminds us today that there is protection in the bosom of Christ! He that dwells in the secret place of the most high, in order to find out a secret you must search for it intently until you locate what you are looking for… Today the secret is that there is a place of protection where you can go, there is one you can talk to that won’t judge you or look down on you, there is one that can shield you from the ways of this world and keep you from being cut off from Eternal Rest in the Heavens… The secret place talked about in today’s focus verses lies in the relationship that we build with Christ, we must be immersed in God’s word, pray without ceasing and seek to lives each day of our lives better than we did the day before… 

While in Christ, we must search continually in Him through His scriptures, prayer and fasting trying to find the place of peace within Him that has been carved out for us! We all have seen ups and downs, highs and lows, but the psalmist is revealing to us a promise from the Lord that He will protect, deliver and sustain you, but you must make a commitment to Him first! Jesus was agonizing over His fate as the time approached of His crucifixion; however, when lying before the Lord He was able to endure the harshest of punishments and maintain focus on the task at hand… The secret place of God will not keep you from the traps and snares of the devil and his devices; it will simply give you a steady ground to stand on while you are under attack… The psalmist goes on to say that I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress… We must realize that friends don’t always have your best interest at hand, we must accept that fact that we will make mistakes and that if God isn’t the one we turn to in times of trouble we will indeed find more trouble than good… In my darkest hour God is there, when I am crying at night He’s there, when I feel alone He’s by my side… God cares for you more than anyone on this earth and you must align yourself with Him if you desire to live in peace and find that secret place where you won’t have to worry or be ensnared by the devil… When you have chosen the Lord as your shield and buckler, when you have given up the things of the flesh or world for spiritual riches you can say that HE is my refuge and fortress, in Him will I Trust! By giving up the desires of this world you put your focus in dedication upon the Lord, you have decided to abstain from the world and it is only at that time that the Lord can begin to carry out the work that He has already placed upon your life to do… This psalm goes on to tell us that a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you if you make the Lord your dwelling place… You will see hardships, you will see pain in strife, but you will be exalted by living according to God’s will and you will be victorious in this life that you live! Trust God, hold to His hand and watch Him show up BIG in you and take you to a level that you didn’t even know existed (it’s the level of peace, harmony and love)…


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