Saturday, June 10, 2017

God's Love Molds You

Yea, surely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert judgment.

Job 34:12

It is not of God that you should perish or suffer; the word of the Lord today declares to us that God will not do wickedly… There are so many people in this life that want to blame the Lord for things that occur in their life when in reality you are a living witness of what the people calls sowing and reaping… If God were to have passed judgment on you then you and I would not even be able to read these words today let alone grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ… These words are recorded from the mouth of Elihu (a friend of Job)  speaks these words to 3 of Job’s peers who came to the conclusion that there must have been something going on in Job’s life for which he was being punished… Understand today not only the importance of having the right people around you, but also come to the realization that some people speak word that are untrue and should not be spoken… There were several negative comments hurled in Job’s direction as a result of his life being stripped and it is truly a testament to his faith and reliance on God that he did not adhere to the negative words surrounding him… When you go through trials and tribulations, the biggest test is not the storm it self, but the actions that you take amidst the advice or suggestions that people give you… So many times people have asked me to weigh in or give my opinion on different matters which they may be facing and as a child of God my response is that I don’t know what it is that God is trying to show or accomplish through the storm which they are currently facing… I bring this into our devotion to make the same point which was made by God in the book of Isaiah which says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. 

We don’t know the full plan of God even in our own lives, so it is of the utmost importance that we refrain from speaking about someone else’s lives whom we could harm by our words… This is what happened with Job, if the words spoken by his friends were received by Job than his relationship with the Lord would have been scarred with doubt and a negative fear… You must be careful what you say to people when they are going through a tough time; you also must be careful what you receive from people when you are facing a challenge or hardship… In this passage Elihu is setting the record straight concerning God being just and fair… Your life speaks to the fairness of God in that He has spared you and loved you while you were yet sinners… No matter what you have had happen to your life, know that God will never do things in a wicked manner… This is not to see that you will not endure consequences that are a result from your actions, this simple means that you will be afforded opportunities to grow and become what God had designed you to before you came from the womb… It never ceases to amaze me how often people what to classify God as unjust or even begin to associate Him with having a hand in wickedness when we have reasoned nothing but love and grace from Him… Often times we confuse judgment with acts of wickedness, we complain about a situation when the very situation we dislike is actually serving a purpose that will promote growth in us… In the bible we find multiple stories that paint a clearer picture as to how we must understand that judgment comes to bring about repentance and lead us to salvation… We all know the story of Job; we remember that he was a devout God fearing man and that he had a great amount of riches… We know that Satan killed off his family, took his cattle and eventually caused a great sickness in Job’s body. Job’s wife told him to curse God and die, his friends accused him of wrongdoing and believed that he was sinful; through all his hardships Job never turned from God and today we understand why… 

This passage reminds us today that God will not do wickedly; He will not conduct evil or wickedness upon you nor is he to blame for your circumstances… Yes we all do have to face hardships, but we must be able to accept trials and not blame God for our misfortune! The bible says that God knows what we can bare, he will never put more on you than you can face; so know that your life will deal with tribulation, but simply remember that God doesn’t work in wickedness, he works on and in us through the trials that WE face… Job is realizing today that he doesn’t need to blame God for his inflictions, but rather praise him knowing that it is not God who placed evil in our lives…Ask yourself this question, if God was a god of wickedness where would you be today… The Israelites deserved more than just wondering aimlessly in the desert for forty years, they deserved more than captivity; however, God saw fit to judge them by their actions; however, He was sure to make it possible for them to learn from their mistakes and change their habits… The Lord will not pervert judgment; this simply tells us that God will not change or alter the judgment that we should receive… This is not dealing with the sin we have committed, but the life that we live through our sufferings in Jesus Christ! Job never gave up and ultimately God gave him double what he had originally… God sees your pain; He hears your cries and knows the circumstances that you face! He will not hold back the blessings that He has in store for you when you stand on faith! Job had to face his trials, but because he stood on faith God showed His faithfulness… You must accept your trials knowing that trials bring blessings, hardships bring peace and tears bring joy! God isn’t hurting you; He is preparing you for blessings and exaltation! If you show your faith and don’t waver, God will not waver on you… HE WILL NOT PERVERT JUDGMENT, He will lead you to exaltation and honor!!!! Every trial that comes your way is a step that God presents for you to be elevated and get closer to reaching your goal…


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