Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Teach Christ From The Womb

And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

Isaiah 54:13

Believe it or not, one thing that is for sure in this life is that your child is going to learn something… It may not be the things you desire, but this is why teaching and training in the home are of the utmost importance… So many people have delayed the teaching and training aspect of parenting and this has allowed the enemy to take the reins in the classroom and teach all the things which the child doesn’t need to learn… It’s imperative that “Thy children shall be taught of the Lord,” the enemy is a very enticing teacher, and if you allow him in then your child will never be at peace and therefore you will have several sleepless nights and a mind full of worry… This is why we are told today that teaching your child of the Lord will bring peace… The sooner that you realize that you must teach about the Lord even in the womb, the sooner you can begin to instill peace in your offspring… Jesus declares in John 14:27 that he has left his peace with us. It is through knowing Jesus that we obtain the peace of God. For your children to know God, they must be taught, trained, and/or experience Him. This is how the peace which surpasses all understanding is obtained. Make no mistake about it, whether you want to deal with it or not; the truth of the matter is that your child will learn from whoever speaks into their lives… If you don’t take this word and begin to teach you will see what becomes of your child and soon realize that you should’ve been the one teaching… Teaching and training are required in the will of God because without them we all will perish… Your child needs to know about Jesus, but they also need to have Jesus broken down and implanted in their lives… This means that you as a parent must spend time in study and not just quote a scripture that you learn and remembered… 

Isaiah says thy children shall be taught of the Lord… You are required to teach them and this requires you to observe and walk in obedience to Him as well… What god is it if you tell me about Jesus, but cannot elaborate on why it is that I should follow Him…? What good is it if you quote scripture but cannot give me the background on what it means… It pains me to hear people who quote scripture and in quoting it they use it out of context… Children have been taught about Jesus, but the training (which requires in-depth devotion) is lacking, so the peace you seek is not found… The children of God were rebellious people; however, Isaiah instructs us how to obtain peace even in the most precarious situation and it starts with teaching…  Isaiah reminds us today that we are called to bring up our children in the way of the Lord… So many youths have gone astray and have fallen short and it is not because the children are bad, but because they have not been trained in the way and will of God… Proverbs 22:6 tells us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it…” People have often wondered why their children did not walk in what they were taught. One reason for this is that many parents did not "train" their children, but only "taught" their children about the things of God. Teaching is sharing information, while training integrates that teaching into a lifestyle. Children need to be encouraged in this day and age, we need to recognize the God-given gifts they possess and encourage them along those lines. Training is a lot more tedious and takes a committed effort on the part of parents. 


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