Thursday, February 16, 2023

A Childlike Mentality

Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

Luke 18:17

Receiving the kingdom of God is not a verbal expression, but an act that requires total submission and openness of one’s heart… The words recorded in today’s focus verse shine a light on the fact that we must have the mindset and attitude of a child when it comes to the kingdom of God… A child is very gullible (innocent, trusting) and accepting in their early years; having this mindset allows them in their youth to believe any and everything that they are told by their parents… Santa is real because of the words spoken, the tooth fairy exists because they are taught of his or her being, and fear is eased when a parent says everything is okay…  In Christ, when we have this mindset we trust and hang on every word of God… We can stand in the midst of adversity and smile because we remember what our father told us and we declare it to be true… When the enemy seems to be on the attack, having the mind of a child says you will not win and joy comes in the morning… Even when faced with trials and tribulations and obstacles that appear to be too steep to overcome; having a child’s mindset allows you to rely on our heavenly father and declare this too shall pass… This is why we are reminded today that the kingdom of God can only be entered when you have this mindset… When you lose sight of thinking like a child in the aspects of your spiritual life, you then allow that crevice of opportunity for the enemy to slip in and get you to start thinking according to your own desires… 

A child can be formed and molded for a specific task or purpose; however, we all have heard the saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks… You have to be able to be molded to reach the levels that God has designed you to reach, you have to have the mindset to think outside of the proverbial box and display your faith which means that you don’t have to know everything that is going on… Jesus is referring to a reformation that must take place in one's life and it starts in the mind… If you can’t bring yourself to believe what your Eternal Father is telling you, how do you expect to reach and enter the gates of heaven…? Your faith and relationship with God is shown by how you accept His ways, will, and plans… The problems that we face in this life are not because we are ill-equipped, but because we are set in our ways even when it comes to serving a God who says that “His ways are not our ways…” This isn’t even about compromising with God, but about transforming your way of thinking like Paul said in his letter to the church of Rome (Romans 12:2)…  Stop focusing on being an adult as the world defines adulthood. Assume the childlike mentality before the Lord and allow Him to use you for His glory. Dismiss fear and a lack of clarity for a second and just surrender to the Lord, putting all your trust in Him. When you do that, watch what happens!


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