Thursday, October 29, 2020

Confession + Prayer = Healing

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16

Problems derive from faults not being confessed or mistakes made being shown through love… Today’s devotion reminds us of the importance that confessing one another’s faults to each plays in the processes of healing… There are a lot of people walking around in life with open wounds; these wounds are infected daily because bitterness has not been removed and anger continues to fester like bacteria with oxygen… This same principle applies to the offender and the offended; as the offender, often times we will deny wrong doing which will allow a spirit of pride, self righteousness and an egotistical mindset to be rooted in us and drive us further from the truth… In order to have closure in your life which gives way to healing, you must either acknowledge your wounds or confess your actions which led to someone being wounded… This acknowledgment must not only take place, but must also be prayed over; this is why James goes on to say that not only must we confess our faults, but that we must pray one for another… Recognizing the mistake you made or the offense that someone committed to you is the first step; however, until you seek a resolution and closure through prayer this issue will not and cannot be resolved… In understanding the importance of prayer, I am lead to reminding you that the issues you face in life are not meant for you to handle but to teach you to turn them over to the Lord… There are so many problems that could’ve been resolved and so many issues that could’ve been handled differently if we gave way to the plan and move of the Holy Spirit… Prayer is essential to being healed because it removes all the infected items (you and the other person) from being involved and thus making the matter even worse… Confess your faults, pray over the matter and along God to heal and resolve.


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