Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Beware Of False Teachings

And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Mark 13:5-6 

Not everyone that speaks the name of Christ really is a child of God… I was once told that Satan spends his days in the church; not because he wants to be converted but because he wants to pull others from their faith… Those in the world are not of God and therefore Satan doesn’t have to worry about them… Understanding that Satan does attend church keeps me informed that I must be on guard at all times and as Paul tells the church of Ephesus “put on the full amour of God…” This battle we face is indeed NOT in the flesh but in principalities and darkness in high places… These high places can be in the pulpit, these high places can be positions of leadership; whatever the case may be, I know that I must stay alert and be vigilant at all times… Our focus verses today shines light on Jesus telling us to take heed… Don’t for a second let your guard down; don’t for the smallest window of time become complacent… The devil only needs a small window of time to tear you down… Look at David when he became King, his small window came in the form of Bathsheba; think about Sampson in all His might and how he let his guard down to Delilah, think about Solomon who was the wisest man to ever live but saw his kingdom divided and torn down before his very eyes, think about Peter who vowed to follow Jesus at all cost, but before the cook crowed he denied knowing the savior and left the courtyard weeping… This list can go on and on and on and we need to take note today that we must open our eyes to the will of God and not lean to our own understanding and comfort… Today’s message reminds us of two very important things; one, we must be careful with whom we associate with and second, we must study the word of God for ourselves and apply it to our everyday life… The devil can appear in many forms, stay immersed in the word and will of God and beware of false teachings...


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