Saturday, August 1, 2020

You Shall Be Filled

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." 

Matthew 5:6

Hunger and thirst are two conditions within our body that we feel daily… The average man can go just a few days without water and (maybe a week or two) without food before losing once mental stability and life itself… The pains of hunger and the desire for water or drink can alter not only our attitude or conduct, but our way of life and priority… No man wants to go without food or drink because of the state of misery, discomfort and/or depression that he/she will be exposed too… We feed our body several times a day in trying to satisfy a hunger or to quench a thirst; however, within a few short hours we are repeating this never ending cycle. Everyone in this world is hungry or thirsty for something, but in today’s scripture we find that only a desire for righteousness shall be filled… There are so many people on this earth who are pursuing so many things and even as they ascend to higher levels they are never satisfied with their gain… The thirst you have for success can never be filled if you don’t go to the source of Jesus Christ and drink… Only through Him can you be filled!

In the 4th chapter of the gospel of John we find a story of Jesus encounter with a Samaritan woman (also known as “the woman at the well”); in this passage a back and forth dialogue takes place with her and Jesus about water. In the 13th through the  15th verse of this chapter we find these words recorded, Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” The woman desires to be filled with the water of Jesus so that she will never have to come to that well again; however, the word of God goes on to say that Jesus had to show her to her own self first… You have been doing things your way long enough, you have been seeking the happiness you want on this earth and continue to fall short; your hunger has gone unsatisfied, your thirst has not been quenched and now is the time for you to be called blessed and filled not because you have obtained anything but because you have entrusted your care into the hands of Christ… This Samaritan woman is the symbol of our very lives… She was a prostitute, selling herself for scraps, never realizing her true potential… The money she made, or the room and board she obtained was enough for the night but not for the future… She was ready for a change and wanted to be filled… You can smile and fool everyone around you, but the truth of the matter is that you can never be filled or satisfied by the things of this world… 


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