Thursday, August 29, 2019

True Love Is Unquenchable

Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.

Song of Solomon 8:7

For quite sometime I have thought that many people don’t know what the true definition of Love is… Today, through this verse taken from the Song of Solomon, we are given evidence that the notion I have thought to be true really is… When someone says I love you, it doesn’t mean that they care for you or that they like you… Love comes from the core of one’s being and is a passion and desire that cannot be redirected or shut off…The bible tells us that God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us… Love transcends situations, it looks beyond faults and it appeals to the levels of ones character that are beyond the surface that we see with our natural eye… Love is the mother who continues to seek her lost child though people tell her that he or she is too far gone, love is the father that yearns for a second chance even though they keep getting rejected, love is the child that turns from wickedness and temptations and continues to fight the battle that leads them down paths of loneliness and uncertainty… When we have love for someone of something, there is nothing that can stop it or prevent it from being manifested… Paul tells us the depth and importance of love in the 13th chapter of His first letter to the Church of Corinth… If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 

In this passage we are reminded that love has to be the foundation of our actions; we cannot allow the things that we do to be derived from things that are not of love and therefore are meaningless ventures through this life… One who is full of love is priceless; this is why the verse starts off by saying that “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.” There is nothing that can stop an act or a gesture when done in love… No words can overtake it, no steps can prohibit it and no man can hinder it… As we yearn to know the fullness of life and to have joy, we must remember that love is the most critical of things which we must obtain… The bible declares that God is love and in obtaining love you obtain God... This is why it cannot be quenched, nobody can stop God and nobody will be able to stop you when you come to know Him more intimately… Look at what Jesus endured because of love (not only endured but also overcame because of love)… Likewise, when you say that you love someone, ask yourself what you are willing to endure for them or on their behalf… When you ask yourself this question you will quickly find out if you love them or if it is simply a like or lust… I know I love Christ because there is nothing that will quench my thirst for Him, I know that I love my family because nothing will wash my desire to be close to them away (getting the point)… Even though I know where I stand, when I read this verse about waters not being able to quench love I ask myself if I really indeed do love the Lord… 

We live in a world where we are faced with so many distractions, so many temptations, so many obstacles that test us and our love for Christ… We must fight, we must resist, we must overcome; not only to reach the level that God has desired and planned for us, but also to demonstrate the love that we so easily profess for Him on Sunday mornings at our Praise and Worship services… This verse goes on to tell us that “If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned…” The last piece of this verse is a message of warning and gives a powerful incite into what we must be careful of and steer clear of as it pertains to desiring to be loved or have love in our lives… Again, I go back to Paul’s first letter to the Church of Corinth and how he concludes the 13th chapter by saying, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.Love is precious and of the highest value, as I stated before, love is priceless; however, you must be careful for what you give and are willing to do to find love (referring to this earth and not God)…  We have all heard the term “looking for love in the wrong places”, and the more and more we observe our surroundings, the more we see that term becoming true. Everyone in this world wants to be loved; many of our terrorist and murders grow up in environments where genuine love did not exist. Many of our troubled teens and young adults are vulnerable and being used because of a lack of love or companionship. We must know that giving all we have to receive love is only why when we give all we have to the Lord… There are so many people who have grown up in a (n) unloving environment and so they search for love and when the find someone or something that appears to simply give them attention they sell themselves short and fully invest all they have into that person or situation… A girl who is unloved can find herself on the streets selling herself for someone who she wants to believe loves her… A son who doesn’t know love will disrespect women or join gangs to feel love… 

We all want love in our lives, but we must be careful not to desire love from the wrong places nor give all that we have to obtain it when it is not of God… Solomon reminds us here that there is nothing we can do to obtain love from someone, but in the same regard, he also reminds us that love really is blind. This passage talks about giving your wealth for love, seeking to fit in will cause you scorn and surely we can see that in our societies today. Have you ever sacrificed yourself for a relationship only to see yourself regretting your decision and losing everything? Have you ever invested so much into someone because you wanted them to appreciate and “love” you and you ended up being used and left alone…? This isn’t love, but a desire to be love that will open the door for us to be taken advantage of and used… As I stated before, we all desire to be loved, but instead of looking for love trust God to “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory…” Solomon was a man that gave into his love of women, Sampson gave into his love for Delilah, the question is; what are you selling you self short for. Love can be seen in many forms, a relationship, power, money, independence and the list can go on. Christ didn’t sell himself short, He didn’t focus on the women around Him and forget His task, He didn’t focus on the finer things in life and forget His mission. However, He endured the mocking, He persevered through the beatings, He embraced the ridicule, He suffered on the cross and He gave His live for you… That’s the true definition of LOVE!!!


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