Saturday, August 24, 2019

Agape Love Conquers All

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.

1 Peter 4:7-8

The best thing that someone can ever say about you is that you were full of love… The bible declares that God is love and for someone to say you were full of love means that you were full of God… You cannot allow the distractions of this world to suffocate or destroy the seed of love planted in you… People will come to know God through your acts of love and this is why Peter not only says that charity covers a multitude of sins, but why he also says that you must be sober and watch unto prayer… The enemy doesn’t want to see the end result of the love which was poured out on Calvary taking root in the lives of all those who come to know and experience it… Satan cannot fathom what the world will be like if people were able to engage and speak words of love instead of criticism and gossip…  He doesn’t want to see this come to fruition, so he has you marred by your past and ignorant concerning your future in Christ… Today, know that we must live each and everyday as if it’s our last and this means we must love uncontrollably… This doesn’t mean that we should “live life to the fullest,” but that we must carry out the will of God each and every hour that He grants us upon this earth… We are reminded today that charity (love) covers a multitude of sins… It was Jesus love which He poured out on the cross that covered our sins… Likewise, in doing good deeds, extending a hand to someone in need, forgiving someone who has wronged you or looking beyond faults of another will allow your father to forgive you of the mistakes that you make… There is one unknown on this Christian journey and that is the time in which Christ will return; there is also one thing that we are assured of on this Christian Journey and that is that Christ will return… Peter tells us that the end of all days is at hand and to be sober, this is focusing not on drinking, but on the fact that we need to be vigilant and coherent to the word of God and live our lives as if He was coming within the next minute… 

The end of all things being at hand lets me know that there is nothing of this earth that will survive, there is no one on this earth that can save you and nothing that you can do on this earth to inherit Eternal Life… Being sober means that we must stop making stupid choices, stop procrastinating and stop allowing temptations to ensnare our God-given vision and mission… So many of us aren’t living a sober lifestyle, we are staggering through life, misusing our gifts, losing our identity and allowing this world to dictate our advancements and achievements; God is calling for us to stand upright and be an example in this world! He is waiting for you to detoxify yourself through prayer and study so that you can understand that we truly are living in the last days… When you aren’t sober you are unaware of things around you, you don’t appreciate things before you, so you end up in a helpless state which leaves you vulnerable to whatever may come your way... A drunken state of mind allows the devil to have his way with you… We aren’t talking about drinking literally, but rather being in position where you allow outside forces to dictate and direct your life… When you are sober you are sturdy, focused and grounded… Your purpose in life is clearly defined and you are determined… Many of us claim to be sober; however, we have no direction in our life, we aren’t focused nor grounded in the word of God and we allow people and situations to guide us down the wrong path…A sober mind is important; however, you must add a strong cornerstone to that foundation which is prayer… This is why Peter goes on to say that you must watch unto prayer… So many have a clear mind, but they have not taken the next step to allow the thoughts and desires of God to take root in that unoccupied space… Situations always come about, but in order to clear your mind and see results you must turn it over to God (prayer) and invite Him in… So many of us aren’t living a sober lifestyle, we are staggering through life, misusing our gifts, losing our identity and allowing this world to dictate our advancements and achievements; God is calling for us to stand upright and be an example in this world! He is waiting for you to detoxify yourself through prayer and study so that you can understand that we truly are living in the last days… 

Things you dealing with today shouldn’t be left tell tomorrow, turn it over to the Lord now and let Him lead you… When you turn it over to the Lord and invite Him in; you can now be filled with the love (charity) spoken of which will in the end cover the multitude of sins… The only way to be sober is to study and apply the word of God to your life… The psalmist said “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalms 119:11) We must have the word within if we desire to live it on the outside… Peter goes on to say that charity covers a multitude of sins and that we should be fervent in our charity… Charity is another word for love; the bible says that God is love… The reason your sins are forgiven (covered) through charity is because God’s spirit dwells within you when you have love within… When you love something, you want to see it grow, mature and be success… God imparted His love to us in the form of His son so we could grow, mature and be successful… When we love, we allow God to enter into our lives and become one with us… When God enters, sin is cast out and therefore we are covered by love! To be fervent is to be eager, passionate or zealous; we should give from our hearts and out of true love and kindness towards one another! This charity goes beyond money and is dealing with a sacrifice of self, Christ had to sacrifice Himself to cover our sins and we need to understand that when we give of ourselves to help others we purge ourselves of iniquities. We have all heard that we should live today as if it’s our last and that is so true; but in the term living we as Christians give that a different meaning than the world… We aren’t looking to have a good time, “live it up”, or spend all we have, for us to live is to sacrifice; this requires a watchful eye and a sober mind…


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