Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Enemy Has Become His Footstool

For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.  The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

1 Corinthians 15:25-26

In the midst of your trials and tribulations God is at work… While Jesus was enduring the mocking and agony of the cross His rewards were being prepared as well… Today let us understand that the enemy may appear to have the upper hand, but while we are in the worst of times, God is in the best and will defeat the foe that stands before us… Paul says He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet… Jesus will stand the test of time (as He showed when He took the form of man), there is nothing in or of this world that will outlast God’s love, grace and mercy. We as believers should take courage today in knowing that Paul was right when He said “no weapon formed against you shall prosper”… Isaiah was dead on when he said that “He will make His enemies His footstool”… Every obstacle you face can be overcome, every trial can serve a positive purpose and every tribulation can promote endurance within you… Paul also wrote that this race is not given to the swift, but to those who endure! Let us endure as Jesus did us on the cross, let us endure as Jesus did when He was mocked, and let us endure as Jesus did when He was spit on… A lot of us may be finding ourselves in situations where the enemy seems to be winning, let us not become weary in well-doing for we shall reap a harvest if we faint not… Your task at hand is to hold to God’s unchanging hand, your objective is to maintain your faith throughout every storm that comes your way because God will reign over your life and provides victory through your turmoil… 

Paul is speaking to the embattled believer today, He is talking to the worn out Christian that doesn’t feel as if there is anything left in the tank to serve God and He is simply saying hold on! Jesus held on and is sitting at the right hand of the father; you can hold and reap bountiful blessings from the Lord! Don’t give up, don’t give in, just believe and you will indeed achieve! Yesterday we examine Isaiah the promise that God’s word will not come back void, but that it will accomplish what it was set out to accomplish; today, this passage taken from Paul’s letter to the church of Corinth reminds us of the awesome power of God once again in that He will not be defeated and His ways will prevail.. This verse starts off by saying that HE must reign, there is no other God but one, there is no other savior but Jesus, and no other way but through God’s Will. This passage reminds us that Jesus will reign until all His enemies have been put under his feet; this means that we, being believers in Christ and His sufferings are assured of triumph over sin. This passage says all enemies, sickness is conquered, worry has no place, jealousy has ended, hatred will be turned away, and most of all DEATH will be defeated. These things have been replaced in the body of believers by love, kindness, meekness, temperance, and longsuffering. 

Jesus says I am the way, and we have a clear depiction of that, because all obstacles have been surpassed through His ultimate sacrifice. We have the God-given ability to overcome any obstacle now, through His bloodshed on Calvary! Paul makes it clear that the last enemy was and is death! Jesus died so that we could live, He endured hell so that we wouldn’t have to taste it and now He reigns desiring for all to be with Him and to inherit Eternal Life! Death is separation from the Lord, death is finality, but Jesus conquered the greatest evil of all and now says through Paul that you can do the same if you hold on and keep the faith! When Paul was coming to his last breath, he said“I have fought the good fight, I have run the race, I have kept the faith; henceforth, now there is a crown laid up for me…” Your crown of victory, your crown of endurance and your crown of reigning with Jesus waits… Keep fighting the good fight and finish this race, those running against or those who appear to have the upper hand will not beat you to the finish line!


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