Thursday, November 15, 2018

Spend Your Time Wisely

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

The psalmist speaks to the focus and mindset that a child of God must have… We cannot assume things as if we have control of the days we live on this earth! Too often we put off for tomorrow what we should complete today. This psalm is a prayer for guidance and a petition for the Lord to teach us to walk in His marvelous light… The psalmist recognizes that God is the head and founder of all; the foundations of the earth are His... The psalmist states and is stating that God returns man to dust and controls our afflictions. If we are to walk as a child of the most high, we must learn to number our days. This is not speaking of a plan as to when we are going to do x, y and z; but rather it speaks to a humble approach, being thankful for the days (today) you have been privileged to witness and knowing that tomorrow is never promised! Number your days by taking them one at a time, number your days living each day knowing it is a blessing and privilege to see… 

If God touches you and wakes you in the morning, know that you have been afforded another chance to develop a more intimate relationship with Him, know that you have been given another chance to make peace with your adversaries and submit your life to Christ! See, often times we try to fulfill our own lustful and fleshly desires believing that we will have a chance to repent and God will forgive us (we don’t number our days because we live as if tomorrow we can right all of our wrongs; however,the psalmist is calling for us to focus on living a life that pleases God now and not trying to put off until we have experienced what this world has to offer… We need to number our days so that we can apply our hearts unto wisdom. Believing that today is a gift will put us in the mindset that Christ has blessed us by touching us early this morning! We will awaken with praises flowing from our lips as well as the warm blood within our veins… Wisdom is a (n) accumulation of knowledge, if we believe the scriptures that tells us that God’s mercies are new every morning, we will have faith that it is only by His grace and mercy that we are here today… The knowledge that we will accumulate is that God has looked beyond our faults and seen our needs, the knowledge we will accumulate is that God desires for us to serve Him with all our hearts and minds, the knowledge that we will accumulate is that God desires for you to inherit Eternal Life…

Number you days because you know that God didn’t have to give you a second, third and forth chance. Number your days by looking at life as if this moment is your last and you want to ensure your place in heaven with the Lord of Lords and King of Kings… Turn to wisdom by believing that your ability to wake up, your ability to accomplish and to overcome isn’t derived from you hands, but the hands of Christ and the touch of His love! Christ died on the cross so that we might live, He was clothed in imperfection so that we could be perfected and now He desires for us to have Salvation. Live for Him everyday of your life and you will then begin to learn the knowledge of where Christ desires for you to walk. The bible records these words from our Lord, “Behold, I come quickly” the bible says “Even the son of man does not know the day nor the hour…” Don’t be count on the outside looking in, don’t be one of the virgins who had no oil… Number your days and get your relationship with God right… In numbering your days you will apply your heart to wisdom because you will no longer walk by sight but by faith!

Don’t expect tomorrow, trust Him and live today!


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