Friday, May 4, 2018

His Love Has Covered Us

He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.

Song of Songs 2:4 

As sinners, we are outsiders looking in… We don’t have the right, nor the ability to enter the presence of God nor can we sit at His table; however, we are reminded that through His great mercy and His extended hand of Grace we have been called from darkness into light… Solomon writes at the very beginning of this verse that, “He brought me”; understand that he couldn’t get there on his own; likewise, we (through banner of love) have been brought to this point in life have been given a chance of Eternal Life through the outpouring of Jesus Christ… A banquet is a formal meal, feast or dinner… When someone is hosting a banquet it is a special event that specific people or individuals are invited too, a banquet is a (n) invite that will be remembered and cherished… Again, Solomon says that God “brought me to the banqueting house…” Solomon recognized that this was a not a place that he could go on his own, we must come to realize that we cannot enter in without God’s escort (love) right by our side… To bring someone in, you must first go and get them… God saw the place where Solomon had been, the things he had done and went to him, picked him up and turned him around… Today God has sent you invitation to His glorious banquet… When someone throws a banquet people usually go and buy a nice dress or tuxedo, they make sure they display the very best they have to offer; God’s banquet is a little different, the attire is that you simply come as you are and he will dress you in royalty… 

The banquet that God has invited you too doesn’t respect persons or individual accomplishments; that being said, don’t worry about what you are going to wear to this banquet, don’t worry about how you will get there or if people will look down on you; Matthew 6:25-57 says, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” God will clothe you when you have little, God will provide the path when you are confused and His unfailing love will lift your head up and keep you going… Solomon speaks to us of the love, compassion and desire God has for us to be with him…Let us take a moment today to simply reflect on the goodness of Christ… He woke you up this morning (a blessing); He started you on your way… You were able to arise and prepare for another work day (some would love to be in your shoes), you are able to maintain on this earth while dealing with all kinds of temptations and snares (many people have lost faith and belief in God)… Understand that Christ has blessed us just today along with a surplus of blessings and reasons to be thankful, and it is out of love… See, what I like about this verse as well is that the banner was love… Most banquets you have a (n) invitation that you must present or your name has to be written down on the guest list… 

Today, we can go to the banquet house and when we are asked for our invitation we simply share the love that God has poured out for us… The banner that covers (protects, sustains) you and me is God’s love… Jesus said,“No greater love hath a man than this, that He lay down his life for his friends…”He gave Himself because of love, He died for love; He rose in love and was given all power because of His love. We need to understand and remember that as we journey down this road of life and as we tackle the obstacles that are put before us…It is here in today’s scripture that we see another manifestation of God’s love… Again, think about the goodness of our God; Solomon says, “…and his banner over me was love…” God had already RSVP on Solomon’s behalf, He has already set the course for his salvation and paid the price for his admission through love…  As we relate that to us today, we must remember that we have been invited to a banquet, the attire will be all white which God will clothe us in and we will be meeting in the clouds, the theme “Everyday will be Sunday and Sabbath will have No End!!!!” This is by RSVP only, so certain people will not be there because they will miss the deadline to respond, but the way to guarantee your presences is to this grand event is to simply know that God loves you, believe that Christ died for you, and know that heaven awaits you… Let us love unconditionally; after all, that is what Christ is all about and love is the banner that will cover all those who plan to attend!


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